[gradsusr] Ascii input to GrADS?

Jennifer Adams jma at cola.iges.org
Thu Oct 17 16:14:34 EDT 2013

I recently had a need to convert ASCII data into something GrADS could display, so I wrote a little script to do it and added it to the documentation at http://iges.org/grads/gadoc/ascii.html. The example I wrote is for only one variable, but it would be simple enough to expand it to write out more than one variable. Just be sure to follow the conventions for the structure of a gridded binary file http://iges.org/grads/gadoc/aboutgriddeddata.html#structure. 

On Sep 16, 2013, at 1:33 PM, Matt Bunkers - WFO UNR wrote:

> Hi,
> I have some x-y data in ASCII/text format that I'd like to use for a scatterplot.  How can I get these data in a format that GrADS can read?
> Thanks,
> -- Matt Bunkers, NWS Rapid City, SD
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Jennifer M. Adams
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
111 Research Hall, Mail Stop 2B3
George Mason University
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030 

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