[gradsusr] how to extract six hourly data from netcdf file ...

Lee Byerle lbyerle at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 29 19:12:21 EDT 2013


One option is lats4d if you are running opengrads:

It can specify times/increment for a new netcdf file, for example:

ga> lats4d -i oldfile_6hourly.nc -vars hgt -levs 700 -time 00Z01Jan2005 00Z31Dec2005 4 -format netcdf -o newfile00Z -v

The output is newfile00Z.nc with only the 00 times  ( http://opengrads.org/doc/scripts/lats4d/ ).

Sdfwrite described in the GrADS documentation may also be useful.

Best regards,

On Mar 29, 2013, at 1:50 PM, Kishore Babu wrote:

> Dear grads users,
> I have one year netcdf data set of having six hourly averages . I want to separate four files having 00,06,12,18 hours data sets .... 
> Could please anybody help me?? Is there any NCO or CDO command to do that ?
> Thank you indvance..
> Regards,
> Kishore  
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