[gradsusr] superimposing of data

Jayakrishnan P.R prjayakrishnan at gmail.com
Fri Mar 22 09:14:10 EDT 2013

First of all you have to display sst. Then without clearing display wind
vectors and relative humidity. It will just look like as follows...
'sdfopen sst.nc'
'sdfopen rh.nc'
'sdfopen uwnd.nc'
'sdfopen vwnd.nc'
'set gxout shaded'
 'd sst'
'set gxout contour'
'd rh.2'
'set gxout vector'
'd uwnd.3;vwnd.4'

Bestof Luck........

Teaching Associate (Atmospheric Science)
Academy of Climate Change Education and Research
Kerala Agricultural University
Vellanikkara-680 656

and also

Research Fellow (Part Time)
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
CUSAT, Cochin-682 016
Kerala, India.
Mob: 09496026547

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