[gradsusr] regridding data

Traveller 1101055045 at qq.com
Mon Mar 18 01:18:12 EDT 2013

try this , may help u

------------------ Original ------------------
From:  "Sagar P Parajuli"<psagar at utexas.edu>;
Date:  Mon, Mar 18, 2013 07:04 AM
To:  "GrADS Users Forum"<gradsusr at gradsusr.org>; 

Subject:  [gradsusr] regridding data

Hi all,
I have ERA-Interim data in 1.5*1.5 degree resolution and I want to interpolate/regrid it into 1*1 degree resolution. I tried using the function 're' but it displays the message 're not a variable or function name'. I am using grads version 2.0.1. I tried to find the script re.gex as explained here (http://opengrads.org/doc/udxt/re/re.html) but couldn't find it. Can you help please?


Sagar P. Parajuli

Graduate Research Assistant

The University of Texas at Austin
 Jackson School of Geosciences
e-mail: psagar at utexas.edu
Contact: +1 512 965 4093
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