[gradsusr] text file

kombo kai kaikombo at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 9 09:00:42 EST 2013

Hi Grads users
I have calculated the area and time average of my variables, noe I want to write the out put results in output.txt my codes are as follows
'open d:/vorticity/data2_extraction.ctl'
'set lon 0 360'
'set lat  -90 90'
'set t 1 47'
'set z 3'
'define vort=hcurl(uwnd1,vwnd2)'
'set lon 40'
'set lat -22.5'
'set z 3'
'set t 1 47'
*defining the area average vorticity
'define avvort=aave(vort,lon=40,lon=70,lat=-22.5,lat=-5)'
*dining time average vorticiy va
'define mvort=ave(vort,t=1,t=47)'
* printing and writing the the text files of the out puts
'set gxout print'
'set prnopts %10.3e 5 1'
*'set prnopts %g 1 1'
'd avvort'
'd mvort'
'retcode1=write('d;/avvort.txt', avvort, 0)'
'retcode2=write('d;/mvort.txt', mvort,0)'
but when I run the script I get error in line whcih defines the recode1.
I tried several options bur i havent get the output writen to the file I want 
please any one can help this 

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