[gradsusr] Pygrads: exchangind data with python

Pedro Tildes Gomes prof.rede.pedrotildes at gmail.com
Sun Mar 3 10:20:58 EST 2013

I'm having problems exchanging data with python and, some of the examples
in the wiki page "PyGrADS Interactive Shell" doesn't seem to work.
When I try the example "Exchanging data with python", that consist in
exporting the variable ts (in model.grb file), change units in python, and
display it in
GrADS, I get the Following error message:

raise GrADSError, "IPC extension not available - cannot import!"
GrADSError: 'IPC extension not available - cannot import!'

Does anybody have any hints?
Thanks in advance

*Pedro Tildes Gomes*
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