[gradsusr] gancgrid error: nc_get_vara_double failed; NetCDF: Index exceeds dimension bound
Derek Simkowiak
dereks at cool-st.com
Sun Jun 9 20:11:12 EDT 2013
I figured it out!
First, I went to the ".info" page for this OPeNDAP data source:
The ".info" suffix on an OPeNDAP server shows the meta-data. There I saw
that the "u" and "v" variables were defined thusly on the server:
u: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..0][depth = 0..0][latitude =
0..480][longitude = 0..1200]
v: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..0][depth = 0..0][latitude =
0..480][longitude = 0..1200]
Then I compared that two what was in my "vars" definitions in my .ctl
file. I had the order of x and y swapped from what OPeNDAP said (noting
that "x" is longitude and "y" is latitude):
u 0 t,z,x,y Ocean Surface Zonal Currents [m/s]
v 0 t,z,x,y Ocean Surface Meridional Currents [m/s]
The solution was to swap those with "y,x" instead. The working .ctl
file is:
DSET ^oscar_vel7550.nc.gz.nc
DTYPE netcdf
XDEF 1201 LINEAR 20.0 0.3333333333333333
YDEF 481 LINEAR -80.0 0.3333333333333333
tdef 1 linear 00Z7jun2013 1dy
u 0 t,z,y,x Ocean Surface Zonal Currents [m/s]
v 0 t,z,y,x Ocean Surface Meridional Currents [m/s]
On 06/09/2013 03:47 PM, Derek Simkowiak wrote:
> Minor correction: The "invalid plev 0" was fixed by changing this:
> to this:
> The changes to the var lines did not affect the symptom at all.
> Also, I tried both of
> OPTIONS little_endian
> OPTIONS big_endian
> ...and it did not affect the symtpom either. I would have expected an
> error for at least one of those...?
> --Derek
> On 06/09/2013 03:36 PM, Derek Simkowiak wrote:
>> Jennifer,
>> Thank you for the suggestions! I made the changes:
>> VARS 2
>> u 1 t,z,x,y Ocean Surface Zonal Currents [m/s]
>> v 1 t,z,x,y Ocean Surface Meridional Currents [m/s]
>> ...and that did resolve the "invalid plev 0" message. However, it had
>> no effect on the primary symptom:
>> lats4d: Data file is
>> File 1 :
>> Descriptor: ../../sources/oscar/oscar_vel7550.nc.gz.nc.ctl
>> Binary: ../../sources/oscar/oscar_vel7550.nc.gz.nc
>> Type = Gridded
>> Xsize = 1201 Ysize = 481 Zsize = 1 Tsize = 1 Esize = 1
>> Number of Variables = 2
>> u 1 t,z,x,y Ocean Surface Zonal Currents [m/s]
>> v 1 t,z,x,y Ocean Surface Meridional Currents [m/s]
>> lats4d: Dimension environment file same as data file
>> lats4d: time range: 00Z07JUN2013 00Z07JUN2013 by 1, delta t: 24 hourly
>> lats4d: vertical levels: 1
>> lats4d: using PRESSURE for vertical coordinate
>> lats4d: latitudinal range: 16.8 31.8
>> lats4d: longitudinal range: 276.0 291.0
>> gancgrid error: nc_get_vara_double failed; NetCDF: Index exceeds
>> dimension bound
>> Data Request Error: Error for variable 'u'
>> Error ocurred at column 1
>> Any other ideas?
>> Thank You,
>> Derek
>> On 06/09/2013 03:18 PM, Jennifer Adams wrote:
>>> Try changing the "0" (for number of levels) to "1" in your variable
>>> declarations. Also, there's no need to alias "u", so you can remove
>>> the "=>u" and "=>v" from each declaration as well.
>>> --Jennifer
>>> On Jun 9, 2013, at 4:52 PM, Derek Simkowiak wrote:
>>>> Hello GrADS users,
>>>> I am trying to use GrADS with OSCAR data downloaded from here
>>>> (using wget):
>>>> wget
>>>> http://podaac-opendap.jpl.nasa.gov/opendap/allData/oscar/preview/L4/oscar_third_deg/oscar_vel7550.nc.gz.nc
>>>> I am trying to extract lat/lon boxes from this data, so I am
>>>> invoking GrADS using the "lats4d.sh" wrapper script. When I try to
>>>> open the binary NetCDF file above, I get this error:
>>>> gadsdf: SDF file has no discernable X coordinate.
>>>> Therefor I am using a "Data Descriptor" (.ctl) file. However, I am
>>>> unable to get that to work. Here is the error I am getting with my
>>>> .ctl file:
>>>> gancgrid error: nc_get_vara_double failed; NetCDF: Index exceeds
>>>> dimension bound
>>>> Data Request Error: Error for variable 'u'
>>>> Error ocurred at column 1
>>>> I don't know what to try next. Here is my .ctl file for this data
>>>> -- the only thing that is a little weird is that the source says
>>>> "Longitude extends from 20 E to 420 E to avoid a break in major
>>>> ocean basins", so I have the XDEF line starting with the value
>>>> "20.0" instead of "0.0"... but I have also tried starting XDEF with
>>>> "0.0" and it doesn't change the error message:
>>>> DSET ^oscar_vel7550.nc.gz.nc
>>>> DTYPE netcdf
>>>> XDEF 1201 LINEAR 20.0 0.3
>>>> YDEF 481 LINEAR -80.0 0.3333333333333333
>>>> ZDEF 1 LINEAR 0 1
>>>> tdef 1 linear 00Z7jun2013 1dy
>>>> UNDEF 0.0
>>>> VARS 2
>>>> u=>u 0 t,z,x,y Ocean Surface Zonal Currents [m/s]
>>>> v=>v 0 t,z,x,y Ocean Surface Meridional Currents [m/s]
>>>> And below is the output of "ncdump -h", which shows the dimensions,
>>>> along with the full output from GrADS. Also, this source is
>>>> available via OPeNDAP, so you can find out additional details about
>>>> this source by visiting
>>>> http://podaac-opendap.jpl.nasa.gov/opendap/allData/oscar/preview/L4/oscar_third_deg/oscar_vel7550.nc.gz.html
>>>> Any advice or help is greatly appreciated. Here is the "ncdump -h"
>>>> output and the "lats4d.sh" GrADS output (which also shows I am
>>>> using GrADS version v2.0.1.oga.1):
>>>> netcdf oscar_vel7550.nc.gz {
>>>> dimensions:
>>>> time = 1 ;
>>>> year = 1 ;
>>>> depth = 1 ;
>>>> latitude = 481 ;
>>>> longitude = 1201 ;
>>>> variables:
>>>> int time(time) ;
>>>> time:units = "day since 1992-10-05 00:00:00" ;
>>>> time:long_name = "Day since 1992-10-05 00:00:00" ;
>>>> float year(year) ;
>>>> year:units = "time in years" ;
>>>> year:long_name = "Time in fractional year" ;
>>>> float depth(depth) ;
>>>> depth:units = "meter" ;
>>>> depth:long_name = "Depth" ;
>>>> double latitude(latitude) ;
>>>> latitude:units = "degrees-north" ;
>>>> latitude:long_name = "Latitude" ;
>>>> double longitude(longitude) ;
>>>> longitude:units = "degrees-east" ;
>>>> longitude:long_name = "Longitude" ;
>>>> double u(time, depth, latitude, longitude) ;
>>>> u:units = "meter/sec" ;
>>>> u:long_name = "Ocean Surface Zonal Currents" ;
>>>> u:missing_value = 0. ;
>>>> double v(time, depth, latitude, longitude) ;
>>>> v:units = "meter/sec" ;
>>>> v:long_name = "Ocean Surface Meridional Currents" ;
>>>> v:missing_value = 0. ;
>>>> double um(time, depth, latitude, longitude) ;
>>>> um:units = "meter/sec" ;
>>>> um:long_name = "Ocean Surface Zonal Currents Maximum Mask" ;
>>>> um:missing_value = 0. ;
>>>> double vm(time, depth, latitude, longitude) ;
>>>> vm:units = "meter/sec" ;
>>>> vm:long_name = "Ocean Surface Meridional Currents Maximum
>>>> Mask" ;
>>>> vm:missing_value = 0. ;
>>>> // global attributes:
>>>> :NC_GLOBAL.VARIABLE = "Ocean Surface Currents" ;
>>>> :NC_GLOBAL.DATATYPE = "1/72 YEAR Interval" ;
>>>> :NC_GLOBAL.DATASUBTYPE = "unfiltered" ;
>>>> :NC_GLOBAL.GEORANGE = "20 to 420 -80 to 80" ;
>>>> :NC_GLOBAL.PERIOD = "Jun.07,2013" ;
>>>> :NC_GLOBAL.YEAR = "2013" ;
>>>> :NC_GLOBAL.DESCRIPTION = "OSCAR Third Degree Sea Surface
>>>> Velocity" ;
>>>> :NC_GLOBAL.CREATION_DATE = "00:33 09-Jun-2013" ;
>>>> :NC_GLOBAL.VERSION = 2009.f ;
>>>> :NC_GLOBAL.SOURCE = "Gary Lagerloef, ESR (lager at esr.org)
>>>> and Kathleen Dohan, ESR (kdohan at esr.org)" ;
>>>> :NC_GLOBAL.CONTACT = "Kathleen Dohan (kdohan at esr.org) or
>>>> John T. Gunn (gunn at esr.org)" ;
>>>> :NC_GLOBAL.COMPANY = "Earth & Space Research, Seattle, WA" ;
>>>> :NC_GLOBAL.REFERENCE = "Bonjean F. and G.S.E. Lagerloef,
>>>> 2002 ,\\\"Diagnostic model and analysis of the surface currents in
>>>> the tropical Pacific ocean\\\", J. Phys. Oceanogr., 32, 2,938-2,954" ;
>>>> :NC_GLOBAL.NOTE1 = "Maximum Mask velocity is the
>>>> geostrophic component at all points + any concurrent Ekman and
>>>> buoyancy components" ;
>>>> :NC_GLOBAL.NOTE2 = "Longitude extends from 20 E to 420 E to
>>>> avoid a break in major ocean basins. Data repeats in overlap region." ;
>>>> }
>>>> Here is the complete GrADS output from lats4d.sh:
>>>> /opt/opengrads/grads -blc 'run lats4d.gs -q -v -i
>>>> ../../sources/oscar/oscar_vel7550.nc.gz.nc.ctl -lat 16.8 31.8 -lon
>>>> 276.0 291.0 -format grib -table
>>>> ../../sources/oscar/grads.lats.table -ntimes 1 -o /tmp/tmpCHWp85.grb '
>>>> Welcome to the OpenGrADS Bundle Distribution
>>>> --------------------------------------------
>>>> For additional information enter "grads -h".
>>>> Starting "/opt/opengrads/Linux/Versions/2.0.1.oga.1/x86_64/grads
>>>> -blc 'run lats4d.gs -q -v -i
>>>> ../../sources/oscar/oscar_vel7550.nc.gz.nc.ctl -lat 16.8 31.8 -lon
>>>> 276.0 291.0 -format grib -table
>>>> ../../sources/oscar/grads.lats.table -ntimes 1 -o
>>>> /tmp/tmpCHWp85.grb ' " ...
>>>> Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) Version 2.0.1.oga.1
>>>> Copyright (c) 1988-2011 by Brian Doty and the
>>>> Institute for Global Environment and Society (IGES)
>>>> See file COPYRIGHT for more information
>>>> Config: v2.0.1.oga.1 little-endian readline printim grib2 netcdf
>>>> hdf4-sds hdf5 opendap-grids,stn athena geotiff shapefile
>>>> Issue 'q config' command for more detailed configuration information
>>>> Loading User Defined Extensions table
>>>> </opt/opengrads/Linux/Versions/2.0.1.oga.1/x86_64/gex/udxt> ... ok.
>>>> GX Package Initialization: Size = 11 8.5
>>>> Running in Batch mode
>>>> lats4d: Version 2.1.5 of 28 June 2010
>>>> No hardcopy metafile open
>>>> All files closed; all defined objects released;
>>>> All GrADS attributes have been reinitialized
>>>> lats4d: Data file is
>>>> File 1 :
>>>> Descriptor: ../../sources/oscar/oscar_vel7550.nc.gz.nc.ctl
>>>> Binary: ../../sources/oscar/oscar_vel7550.nc.gz.nc
>>>> Type = Gridded
>>>> Xsize = 1201 Ysize = 481 Zsize = 1 Tsize = 1 Esize = 1
>>>> Number of Variables = 2
>>>> u 0 t,z,x,y Ocean Surface Zonal Currents [m/s]
>>>> v 0 t,z,x,y Ocean Surface Meridional Currents [m/s]
>>>> lats4d: Dimension environment file same as data file
>>>> lats4d: time range: 00Z07JUN2013 00Z07JUN2013 by 1, delta t: 24 hourly
>>>> lats4d: vertical levels: 0
>>>> lats4d: invalid plev 0 for GRIB output
>>>> lats4d: using HYBRID level number for vertical coordinate
>>>> lats4d: latitudinal range: 16.8 31.8
>>>> lats4d: longitudinal range: 276.0 291.0
>>>> gancgrid error: nc_get_vara_double failed; NetCDF: Index exceeds
>>>> dimension bound
>>>> Data Request Error: Error for variable 'u'
>>>> Error ocurred at column 1
>>>> lats4d: error creating grib_only file /tmp/tmpCHWp85.grb.grb
>>>> <RC> 1 </RC>
>>>> </IPC>
>>>> lats4d: exiting from GrADS...
>>>> No hardcopy metafile open
>>>> GX package terminated
>>>> Thank You,
>>>> Derek Simkowiak
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>>> --
>>> Jennifer M. Adams
>>> 4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
>>> Calverton, MD 20705
>>> jma at cola.iges.org <mailto:jma at cola.iges.org>
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