[gradsusr] problems opening netcdf variable

Andrew Friedman andfried at berkeley.edu
Wed Jul 17 04:26:16 EDT 2013

Hi GrADS users,

I'm having trouble opening a particular variable of a netcdf file.

I'm trying to examine NODC gridded ocean heat content, downloaded from

I'm attaching the output of ncdump -h to this message.

I am interested in the gridded variable h18_hc, but GrADS doesn't load 
it when I open the file using sdfopen. I tried writing the attached 
control file to open the particular variable h18_hc, but this yielded 
the following error:

Scanning Descriptor File:  OHC.ctl
gadxdf error: Missing or invalid dimension size.
   --> The invalid description file record is:
   --> xdef	360	linear	-179.5	1
   The data file was not opened.

Do you have any suggestions to either modify the netcdf or control file?

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