[gradsusr] lats4d for sum

Estefanía Jiménez estefaniajimenez.r at gmail.com
Wed Jan 16 13:08:22 EST 2013

Hi all! Is there a way that I can transform this script to get the sum of
the variables instead of the average??

* /opt/grads30d/bin/gradsc -bpc "run /opt/grads30d/scripts/lats4d.gs -i
/data/CR_presente_1960-1990/binctl/Eta_exp110km1960010100.ctl -o
 ../climat_6190/media_$mes$ano -ftype ctl -format grads_grib -mean -vars
pslm pslc tp2m dp2m u10m v10m prec prcv neve clsf cssf ghfl tsfc qsfc tgsc
tgrz ussl uzrs smav rnof evpp lwnv mdnv hinv cbnt ocis olis oces oles roce
role albe agpl zgeo uvel vvel temp umrl omeg umes -time
00z01$mese[$mes]$ano 18z30$mese[$mes]$ano -levs 1000 925 850 500 250 -table


Thank you for your help!

*Estefanía Jiménez R.*
Departamento de Climatología e Investigaciones Aplicadas
Instituto Meteorológico Nacional
Tel: +506 2222 5616 ext 131
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