[gradsusr] PyGrads not working
Maat, Herbert ter
Herbert.termaat at wur.nl
Mon Jan 14 02:51:06 EST 2013
Dear Arlindo,
I have indeed missed the basemaps and when I included those I was able to overcome the GaLab-error. However, I have now other errors as all the tests failed in the galab_examples.py file.
Kind regards,
From: gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org [mailto:gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org] On Behalf Of Arlindo da Silva
Sent: vrijdag 11 januari 2013 5:37
To: GrADS Users Forum
Subject: Re: [gradsusr] PyGrads not working
On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 10:44 AM, Maat, Herbert ter <Herbert.termaat at wur.nl<mailto:Herbert.termaat at wur.nl>> wrote:
I tried to install PyGrads on my Linux system, but I have difficulties with the last step. I have installed everything correctly (at least, that's what I think) but I am getting the following error message while running ./galab_examples.py.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./galab_examples.py", line 152, in <module>
ga = GaLab(Bin='grads',Window=False,Echo=False)
NameError: name 'GaLab' is not defined
Does anybody know what is going wrong here? I have installed PyGrads in the lib/site-packages
I am assuming you did
python setup.py install
directory of the EPD-distribution.
Is this the full EPD distribution or the Free Edition. Notice that the free edition does not include the basemaps and without basemaps GaLab cannot work. It is possible to compile basemaps into the Free edition, or get a pre-compiled egg.
Please let me know the EPD version (copy and paste the first lines after you start ipython) and the pygrads version.
Herbert ter Maat
Researcher Land-Atmosphere Interactions
ESS-CC (Earth System Science-Climate Change and Adaptive Land and Water Management)
Alterra, Wageningen-UR
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email: herbert.termaat at wur.nl<mailto:herbert.termaat at wur.nl>
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