[gradsusr] Aqua_AIRS_Level3/AIRX3STD.005 using opendap

M.Mahakur mmahakur at tropmet.res.in
Sat Feb 2 11:40:28 EST 2013

Respected Jenifer and Chris Lynnes,

Thank you very much for your sugestions. Now I could read/display both ways.

With Regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: Jennifer Adams <jma at cola.iges.org>
To: GrADS Users Forum <gradsusr at gradsusr.org>
Sent: Fri, 01 Feb 2013 21:49:03 +0530 (IST)
Subject: Re: [gradsusr] Aqua_AIRS_Level3/AIRX3STD.005 using opendap

You will definitely need a descriptor file for this … either for xdfopen or open. The coordinate variables have non-standard names, and there are a lot of them: 

netcdf AIRS.2008.06.30.L3.RetStd001.v5.2.2.0.G08184124505 {
        CH4_LayersU115 = 3 ;
        CH4_LayersU231 = 3 ;
        CH4_LayersU250 = 3 ;
        CH4_LayersU269 = 3 ;
        CO_LayersU114 = 7 ;
        CO_LayersU230 = 7 ;
        CO_LayersU249 = 7 ;
        CO_LayersU268 = 7 ;
        CoarseCldLyrsU113 = 3 ;
        CoarseCldLyrsU229 = 3 ;
        CoarseCldLyrsU248 = 3 ;
        CoarseCldLyrsU267 = 3 ;
        EmisLvlsU116 = 4 ;
        EmisLvlsU232 = 4 ;
        H2OPrsLvlsU112 = 12 ;
        H2OPrsLvlsU228 = 12 ;
        H2OPrsLvlsU247 = 12 ;
        H2OPrsLvlsU266 = 12 ;
        LatitudeU271 = 180 ;
        LongitudeU272 = 360 ;
        MWEmisLvlsU251 = 3 ;
        MWEmisLvlsU270 = 3 ;
        TempPrsLvlsU111 = 24 ;
        TempPrsLvlsU227 = 24 ;
        TempPrsLvlsU246 = 24 ;
        TempPrsLvlsU265 = 24 ;

If all those dimensions with the same size have different values, you'll need a separate descriptor for each set of coordinates. Variables that have the same coordinates can be grouped together in a single descriptor file. 

On Feb 1, 2013, at 10:43 AM, M.Mahakur wrote:

> Respected All,
> I tried to access the L3 AIRX3STD v5 of AQUA/AIRS data using opendap:
> sdfopen http://acdisc.gsfc.nasa.gov/opendap/Aqua_AIRS_Level3/AIRX3STD.005//2008/AIRS.2008.01.01.L3.RetStd001.v5.2.2.0.G08066120251.hdf
> It opened with the error: SDF file has no discernable time coordinate -- using default values.
> Hence it printed a wrong value for time (as below):
> SDF file http://acdisc.gsfc.nasa.gov/opendap/Aqua_AIRS_Level3/AIRX3STD.005//2008/AIRS.2008.06.30.L3.RetStd001.v5.2.2.0.G08184124505.hdf is open as file 1
> LON set to 0 360 
> LAT set to -89.5 89.5 
> LEV set to 0 0 
> Time values set: 1:1:1:0 1:1:1:0 
> E set to 1 1 
> ga-> q file
> File 1 : 
>  Descriptor: http://acdisc.gsfc.nasa.gov/opendap/Aqua_AIRS_Level3/AIRX3STD.005//2008/AIRS.2008.06.30.L3.RetStd001.v5.2.2.0.G08184124505.hdf
>  Binary: http://acdisc.gsfc.nasa.gov/opendap/Aqua_AIRS_Level3/AIRX3STD.005//2008/AIRS.2008.06.30.L3.RetStd001.v5.2.2.0.G08184124505.hdf
>  Type = Gridded
>  Xsize = 360  Ysize = 180  Zsize = 24  Tsize = 1  Esize = 1
>  Number of Variables = 137
> The major problem is it does not show all varibles. The no. of varibales are much larger than 137! I tried with opengrads also, the same problem.
> How can I solve this? I am sure lot of users are using this data ..
> Regards and Thanks,
> Mahakur
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Jennifer M. Adams
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705
jma at cola.iges.org

M. Mahakur
Forecasting Research Division
(Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India)
Dr. Homi Bhabha Road, NCL Post, Pashan
PUNE - 411 008 (INDIA) 

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