[gradsusr] Cannot contour grid - all undefined values - GRADS

Anil Kumar Sharma aanil649 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 17 05:50:33 EST 2013

*Hi All,*
*This might be silly problem, but I am Stuck.*
*I have NetCDF file downloaded from NCEP
ocean current components. When I opened NetCDF using SDFOpen command in

*ga-> sdfopen C:\t1\20131212_rtofs_glo_2ds_n024_daily_prog.nc

*It gave the text on screen*

Scanning self-describing file:  C:\t1\
SDF file C:\t1\20131212_rtofs_glo_2ds_n024_daily_prog.nc is open as file 1
LON set to 1 4500
LAT set to 1 3298
LEV set to 1 1
Time values set: 2013:12:10:0 2013:12:10:0
E set to 1 1

*I can see LON value upto 4500, and LAT value upto 3298. *

*I want to plot current variables for*
*          longitude  -179 - 179 degree*
*          latitude -89 to 89 degree*

So what I need to change or How can I get this working??
when I set these values using SET command
ga-> set lon -179 179
LON set to -179 179
ga-> set lat -89 89
LAT set to -89 89
ga-> d skip(u_velocity,5,5);skip(v_velocity,5,5)
its gives me error

*Cannot contour grid - all undefined values.*

*Please lead me.*

*Thanks in Advance !!!*

*Anil Kumar*
*Pune, India*
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