[gradsusr] GRIB2 problem on GrADS -alt_gmp-

Wesley Ebisuzaki - NOAA Federal wesley.ebisuzaki at noaa.gov
Thu Dec 12 10:52:55 EST 2013


The tdef line of the ctl file is wrong.  Try

tdef 12 linear 06Z04dec2013 3hr

For the %f2 option, the date code has to be the starting time of the
even though you don't have this data file.  The max forecast is 33 hours, so
you need 12 for the number of 3 hour time steps.  To make the index

   alt_gmp -i cat.ctl

The same tdef line should also work with the g2ctl created ctl file.


On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 9:19 AM, Nicolás Rivaben <nrivaben at smn.gov.ar>wrote:

> All,
> I have a  file "cat.ctl", that works for one file (20131204_0600f06.grib2).
> So, I modified the .ctl using templates ("%f2") because there are 11 files:
> **********************
> dset ^20131204_0600f%f2.grib2
> dtype grib2
> options pascals template
> index ^pepito.idx
> undef 9.999E+20
> ydef 145 linear -90.000000 1.25
> xdef 288 linear 0.000000 1.250000
> zdef 6 levels 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000
> tdef 1 linear 12Z04dec2013 3hr
> vars 2
> catave  6,100   0,19,22,0,3   CAT spatial ave
> catmax  6,100   0,19,22,2,3   CAT spatial max
> endvars
> **************************
> Note: I haven't got analysis, only forecast: +6, +9, +12, +15....+36hs.
> The files are:
> 20131204_0600f06.grib2
> 20131204_0600f09.grib2
> 20131204_0600f12.grib2
> 20131204_0600f15.grib2
> 20131204_0600f18.grib2
> .
> .
> .
> 20131204_0600f33.grib2
> 20131204_0600f36.grib2
> Then I execute gribmap -v cat.ctl and not works.
> So, I try to generate IDX files using "alt_gmp":
> $ perl alt_gmp.pl -0 -i cat.ctl
> and also doesn't work. I show on the image attached.
> What are the problem? I'm using W7, OpenGrads 2.0.1oga.1..
> Thanks for your attention.
> --
> Nicolás Rivaben.-
> Departamento de Meteorología Aeronáutica - Gerencia de Servicios a la
> Comunidad-
> Servicio Meteorológico Nacional -SMN-
> 25 de Mayo 658 - C1002ABN - Ciudad de Buenos Aires -Argentina-
> +54 11 5167 6767 (int. 18235)
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