[gradsusr] Gradstoexcel

Sushant Das sushant_models at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 3 11:01:02 EDT 2013

Dear GrADS Users,

I need to know how to extract data from .nc format and write it in excel gridded format file?
For eg. 
I have a netcdf file consisting of 180 by 360 data. Now i have to extract for the Indian domain say 60-100E and 5-40N
so total grids would would be 40*35.
 extracting the data it has to be written in excel sheet having format  
with varying lat in y axis and varying lon in x axis containing 40*35 
data cells.

Thanks in advance,

CSIR Research Fellow,
Centre for Atmospheric Sciences,Block VI
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
New Delhi-110016,
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