[gradsusr] reg: how to download soil moistre data from GDS Server

Malleswararao Maguluri mallesh4science at gmail.com
Sat Apr 27 06:58:01 EDT 2013

Dear Grad users,

http://www.monsoondata.org/wx/prec.html  this is the link for soil moisture
intial and forecast data. the data was available in GDS Server.

http://monsoondata.org:9090/dods/    this is the link for data download. it
is showing "info", "dds", "dds". i did not get how to download the data in
grads understandable format.

pls help me regarding this?

M.Tech (Atmospheric Science)
Young Professional in Cyclone Models
APSDPS, AP Secreteriat, Hyderabad
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