[gradsusr] filling display with map

Jeff Lake admin at michiganwxsystem.com
Sun Apr 21 11:12:42 EDT 2013

Its been a looong while since I have used GrADS to map, primarily use it 
to create shape files...
how on earth do you get the map to fill the image ??
Ie... I have this

'set gxout shade1'
'set mpdset mres'
'set grid off'
'set grads off'
'set mproj lambert'
'set clevs -15 -14 -13 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0'
'd no4lftx180_0mb'
'run cbarc'
'printim rap4liftx_HHH_XXX.png png x1200 y900 black'

and it produces

when I'm after this
*Jeff Lake K8JSL*
MichiganWxSystem <http://www.michiganwxsystem.com>
AllisonHouse <http://www.allisonhouse.com>
GRLevelXStuff <http://www.grlevelxstuff.com>
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