[gradsusr] Hello to all users of Grads
avi kojokro
kojokroavi at gmail.com
Mon Apr 1 05:20:10 EDT 2013
To Thomas Robinson Thanks for the example, I tried the script in this
way asyoushowing me :
'set display color white'
f = 'http://goldsmr2.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov:80/dods/MATMNXSLV'
'sdfopen 'f
'set parea 0.7 10.5 0.6 8'
'set lat 32.5'
'set lon 35'
set t 'start_time'
while (time <=end_time
'set t 'time
'd t850-273.16'
'q time'
ctime = subwrd(result,3)
chour = substr(ctime,9,15)
'draw string 0.5 8 'chour'='cc
'printim avrg.png x1000 y700'
But I get an error , And I attach a screenshot of the error , What did I do
2013/4/1 Thomas Robinson <ter at hawaii.edu>
> Aloha Avi,
> It looks like your code for each time step is the same. You can loop
> using while/endwhile. Try this and change the variable end_time to
> whatever you want it to be:
> 'reinit'
> 'set display color white'
> f = 'http://goldsmr2.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov:80/dods/MATMNXSLV<http://goldsmr2.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/dods/MATMNXSLV>
> '
> 'sdfopen 'f
> ** Set the start and end times (month number)
> start_time=3
> end_time=12*34
> 'set parea 0.7 10.5 0.6 8'
> 'set lat 32.5'
> 'set lon 35'
> ** Set the time to the start time
> time=start_time
> ** Loop through the times
> while (time <=end_time
> **Set time
> 'set t ' time
> 'd t850-273.16'
> cc=subwrd(result,4)
> 'q time'
> ctime = subwrd(result,3)
> chour = substr(ctime,9,15)
> 'draw string 0.5 8 'chour'='cc
> ** Set the time to the next year
> time=time+12
> endwhile
> On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 8:26 PM, avi kojokro <kojokroavi at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thank you.
>> I did not phrase the question correctly, I think that the example I gave is
>> not good. I will try to explain myself again.
>> First I must say that I am working with windows not Linux.
>> I want to get data from a server that already gives me a monthly
>> averages, here's a better example of what i means:
>> 'reinit'
>> 'set display color white'
>> f = 'http://goldsmr2.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov:80/dods/MATMNXSLV'
>> 'sdfopen 'f
>> 'set parea 0.7 10.5 0.6 8'
>> 'set lat 32.5'
>> 'set lon 35'
>> 'set t 3 '
>> 'd t850-273.16'
>> cc=subwrd(result,4)
>> 'q time'
>> ctime = subwrd(result,3)
>> chour = substr(ctime,9,15)
>> 'draw string 0.5 8 'chour'='cc
>> 'set t 15 '
>> 'd t850-273.16'
>> cc=subwrd(result,4)
>> 'q time'
>> ctime = subwrd(result,3)
>> chour = substr(ctime,9,15)
>> 'draw string 0.5 7.7 'chour'='cc
>> 'set t 27 '
>> 'd t850-273.16'
>> cc=subwrd(result,4)
>> 'q time'
>> ctime = subwrd(result,3)
>> chour = substr(ctime,9,15)
>> 'draw string 0.5 7.7 'chour'='cc
>> How do I create a loop to do it automatically, the server provides data from
>> 1979 to 2013, and I want to get only the data of March.
>> I hope I have explained myself better.
>> Regards
>> avi.
>> 2013/4/1 Muhammad Yunus Ahmad Mazuki <ukm.yunus at gmail.com>
>>> The average function itself has what you needed. ave(var1,t=1,t=360,*12*),
>>> this means it will average values from t=1,t=13,t=25 ... until
>>> t=360.Example of point value extraction.
>>> 'sdfopen foo.nc'
>>> lonvalue=90
>>> latvalue=0
>>> levvalue=850
>>> tvalue=1
>>> 'set lon 'lonvalue
>>> 'set lat 'latvalue
>>> 'set t 'tvalue
>>> 'set lev 'levvalue
>>> 'd variable1'
>>> catch=sublin(result,4)
>>> 'set gxout fwrite'
>>> 'set fwrite point.dat'
>>> 'd 'catch
>>> 'disable fwrite'
>>> This is a basic one, modify it as your need requires. I'm not sure about
>>> excel, but this will create a binary file, which can be opened by GrADS
>>> (using a controller file) and Scilab (which I use for further analysis).
>>> Yunus.
>>> On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 2:25 PM, avi kojokro <kojokroavi at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> I'm trying to do a script of averages like this example :
>>>> 'set t 1 '
>>>> 'define varav=ave(t850-273.16,t=1,t=1,1)'
>>>> 'd varav'
>>>> cc=subwrd(result,4)
>>>> 'draw string 0.5 8 jan='cc
>>>> I want my script calculates every 12 months, how do I create a loop
>>>> script that calculates every 12 month average of the same month.
>>>> I will give an example of what I mean: I want to begin to calculate average
>>>> of January 1979 and then later to calculate directly the January 1980 and
>>>> so on.
>>>> Is it possible that the result will write directly to the Excel file,
>>>> then how to write the command to it.
>>>> Please note that I first started Grads.
>>>> Thank you so much.
>>>> avi
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> --
> Tom Robinson
> President - Graduate Student Organization
> Graduate Student - Department of Meteorology
> 732-718-2323
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