[gradsusr] Error grib2ctl.pl "either gfs.t12z.pgrbf024 is missing or not a grib file wgrib is not on your path or can not write to ...

Gualberto Hernandez Juarez gualberto.hernandez at iie.org.mx
Fri Sep 21 19:40:36 EDT 2012



I hope you can help me solve this problem with grib2ctl.pl


/opengrads$ grib2ctl.pl gfs.t12z.pgrbf024 > gfs.t12z.pgrbf24.ctl

could not open file: gfs.t12z.pgrbf024
Big problem:
  either gfs.t12z.pgrbf024 is missing or not a grib file
  wgrib is not on your path or can not write to /tmp/g4408.tmp (full
disk or permissions)


thank you very much




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