[gradsusr] arbitrary cross section plotting script

Jagabandhu Panda jagabandhu at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 06:32:54 EDT 2012

Dear Dibas

      I am trying to use the script. Can you give me some guide lines for
using the script if possible? As I go through the script, I saw that I have
to define z and I realize I have to define lat and lon as well. But, where
should I do that? I am not very good at scripting these type of gs files
actually. I usually make use of my script with a set of commands defined by
me.......So, I need your help!


On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 3:19 PM, Dibas Shrestha <st.dibas at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Dear Jagabandhu,
> I have used anyver.gs successfully to plot the arbitrary  cross-section
> (off course for slanting line) for equivalent potential temperature.
> It might be helpful for you. Find attachment for the script.
> Best regards,
> Dibas
>   ------------------------------
> *From:* Jagabandhu Panda <jagabandhu at gmail.com>
> *To:* gradsusr at gradsusr.org
> *Sent:* Monday, October 29, 2012 5:44 PM
> *Subject:* [gradsusr] arbitrary cross section plotting script
> Hello users:
>         I want to plot the arbirary cross-section along a slanting line
> not with fixed lat/lon. Do you have any script for plotting a variable say
> cloud water mixing ratio or rain water mixing ratio to show the vertical
> variation along the choosen arbitrary cross-section? In that case, please
> send me the same if possible. I will be thankful to you.
> Thanks in advance and regards
> -- Jagabandhu
> ###########################################################################
> Dr. Jagabandhu Panda, PhD
> Earth Observatory of Singapore
> N2-01B-30, 50 Nanyang Avenue
> Nanyang Technological University
> Singapore-639798
> Phone: +65 - 65922565
> Email: jpanda at ntu.edu.sg, jagabandhu at gmail.com
> Personal Web Page: http://jagabandhupanda.wordpress.com/
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Dr. Jagabandhu Panda, PhD
Earth Observatory of Singapore
N2-01B-30, 50 Nanyang Avenue
Nanyang Technological University
Phone: +65 - 65922565
Email: jpanda at ntu.edu.sg, jagabandhu at gmail.com
Personal Web Page: http://jagabandhupanda.wordpress.com/
Group Home Page:
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