[gradsusr] Fortran Code
Ali Demir
jdemir1 at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 27 14:22:35 EST 2012
Dear All,
I keep on my doctorate program.Grads is one of softwares which will be used on my studies.
My fortran code to open and see files extended "dat" is below,but ı cant open file extented dat,,any idea?
Thanks for your assistance.Regards,
program points
integer nmax, u
parameter (nmax=1000, u=20)
real x(nmax), y(nmax), z(nmax)
open (u, FILE='points.dat', STATUS='OLD')
read(u,*) n
if (n.GT.nmax) then
write(*,*) 'Error: n = ', n, 'is larger than nmax =', nmax
goto 9999
end if
do 10 i= 1, n
read(u,100) x(i), y(i), z(i)
10 end do
100 format (3(F10.4))
close (u)
9999 stop
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