[gradsusr] Consider attending a workshop at the Fall AGU Meeting to learn about GrADS

Eniola Olaniyan olaniyan.eniola67 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 23 05:29:52 EST 2012

Dear Jenifer

I am a user of grads but i ran into a problem when i tried to plot station
observation temp data in shaded form or contour form over nigeria for model
validation. these data have been converted to .ctl already.
I will therefore need advice on wat to do . i had already tried Oacres.

Thank you

Eniola Olaniyan

On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 6:49 PM, Jennifer Adams <jma at cola.iges.org> wrote:

> Dear Users,
> I have been invited to participate in a workshop at the AGU Fall Meeting
> entitled "Visual Data Analysis: Tools and Techniques for the Geophysical
> Sciences." The workshop is sponsored by NCAR's Computational Information
> Systems Laboratory, and is intended to provide an overview of some of the
> open source software packages that are most relevant to researches in the
> geosciences. I'll be giving a 45-minute presentation about GrADS that will
> be targeted to an audience that is not necessarily familiar with GrADS and
> all its capabilities. I'll be discussing the gridded and station data
> models, metadata, graphics options, analysis expressions, ensemble
> handling, the GIS interfaces, and some of our planned improvements in
> version 2.1. If you will be attending the AGU meeting, or if you live in
> the San Francisco area, please consider stopping by. The cost is free and
> registration is not required. Please consult the URL below for the complete
> agenda and further details.
> https://wiki.ucar.edu/display/dasg/AGU+Fall+Meeting+Workshop
> I hope to meet some of you there!
> --Jennifer
> --
> Jennifer M. Adams
> 4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
> Calverton, MD 20705
> jma at cola.iges.org
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*Eniola Olaniyan
Responsible Scientist NWP
Nigerian Meteorological Agency
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