[gradsusr] SDF file has no discernable X coordinate

hiren dave hiren_dave85 at yahoo.com
Fri May 18 04:03:26 EDT 2012

   I have downloaded the AIRX2RET product from Merador in netCDF (.nc) format(AIRS.2010.07.21.148.L2.QCSUBX2RET.v5.2.2.0.G10203132202.nc). When i tried to open it in GrADS it shows followind error:gadsdf:SDF file has no discernable X coordinate. Is it possible to visulise AIRS converted netCDF data using GrADS  ( eg:AIRS.2010.07.21.148.L2.QCSUBX2RET.v5.2.2.0.G10203132202.nc types of file).

Hiren Dave

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