[gradsusr] fwrite gridding issue

Thomas Robinson ter at hawaii.edu
Thu May 10 21:22:23 EDT 2012

Thank you for taking time to help me.  I know reading my code probably
isn't the best part of your day.  I have it running, so it will probably be
done by Monday.  I will update then.

On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 2:20 PM, Eric Altshuler <ela at cola.iges.org> wrote:

> Tom,
> I think I've found what's causing the problem. In your fortran code, you
> open unit 29 (the output from fwrite) as direct access, but the 'set
> fwrite' line in your grads script specifies sequential (-sq). This means
> that the control words in the fwrite output will be treated as data values
> when reading from unit 29, and the array 'chi' will not contain the correct
> data. To fix this, remove the -sq flag from your 'set fwrite' command.
> I suppose it's unnecessary to write the output file (unit 291) as 48212
> individual time steps, since your machine apparently has no problem with a
> 144*73*48212 array. I assume your DO loop on 70 is in response to my
> previous suggestion. If you wish, you can remove this loop and the
> declaration of chi_out, and revert to your original method of writing chi
> (which you've commented out).
> In summary, your problem should go away if you do the following:
> 1. remove -sq flag from 'set fwrite'
> 2. just before fwrite, use 'set x 1 144' and 'set y 1 73' - leave your
> other 'set lon' and 'set lat' lines as they are
> 3. your ctl file should NOT have 'options sequential'
> Eric
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Thomas Robinson" <ter at hawaii.edu>
> To: "GrADS Users Forum" <gradsusr at gradsusr.org>
> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 5:16:33 PM
> Subject: Re: [gradsusr] fwrite gridding issue
> I really appreciate all of our help. I'm just going to post all of my code
> now.
> Here is my FORTRAN code as it stands now.
> PROGRAM avg_chi
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> !! This FORTRAN 77 program is used to calculate the daily mean values for
> the!!
> !! entire data set. This mean value can then be used to calculate the !!
> !! anomalies to be plotted. First, the data are opened in their individual
> !!
> !! files. The full data set was divided into 30 files, so the parameter !!
> !! files=32 represents those files. The numbers are converted to string by
> !!
> !! writing their values to the string. !!
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> !!!!!!!!!!!! Tom Robinson University of Hawaii 2012 ter at hawaii.edu!!!!!!!!!!!!
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> PARAMETER (nx=144) !grid points in x
> PARAMETER (ny=73) !grid points in y
> PARAMETER (tsy=1460) !Time Steps in a Year
> PARAMETER (nt=709) !Number of time steps in each file
> PARAMETER (nrec=709) !Number of records in each file
> PARAMETER (files=68) !Number of input files
> Parameter (rearth=6378100) !radius of the earth in meters
> parameter (rpi=3.1415926) !pi
> parameter(omega=7.292E-5) !Rotational speed of the earth
> PARAMETER (south=-90) !Southern most latitude
> PARAMETER (dy=111131)!change in y between a degree of lattitude at 45 deg
> real chi (nx,ny,nt*files) ! Velocity potential
> real chi_out(nx,ny)
> real a_chi(nx,ny,tsy) !Average Velocity Potential
> real clatrad (ny) !latitude in radians
> real dx(iy) ! change in east-west direction (distance)
> Integer x !Place holder for the file number
> Character(2) xstring !Input file number > 9
> Character(1) xstrLT1 !Input file number < 10
> character(20) filename!Full input file name
> it=1 !Initialize it
> do 51 x=1,files!files !Loop through all of the file numbers
> if (x.lt.10)then !Check to see if the number is below 10. If it
> ! is you have to use a single bit string
> Write( xstrLT1, '(i1)' ) x !COnvert the integer to a string
> write (6,*)"CHI_200hPa_",xstrLT1,'.dat'
> filename="CHI_200hPa_"//xstrLT1//".dat" !Concatenate strings to
> ! get the file name
> write (6,*)filename
> !To open the file from a GrADS fwrite, you have to use direct
> ! access and specify the record length which is four times the
> ! dimensions
> open (29, file=filename,
> & status="OLD", access="direct",form="unformatted",
> & recl=4*nx*ny)
> do 52 irec=1,nrec !Go through each record of the input file
> read(29,rec=irec)((chi(ix,iy,it),
> & ix=1,nx),iy=1,ny)! Read in the data
> it=it+1 !Update it
> if (mod(it,100).eq.0)then
> write(6,*)it
> endif
> 52 continue
> close (unit=29)
> elseif (x.ge.10 .AND. x.lt.100)then !If the number of the file is
> !GT 10, no 0 needs to be added
> Write( xstring, '(i2)' ) x
> write (6,*)"CHI_200hPa_",xstring,'.dat'
> filename="CHI_200hPa_"//xstring//".dat" !Concatenate strings to
> ! get the file name
> open (29, file=filename,
> & status="OLD", access="direct",form="unformatted",
> & recl=4*nx*ny)
> do 53 irec=1,nrec
> itime=it*x
> read(29,rec=irec)((chi(ix,iy,it),
> & ix=1,nx),iy=1,ny)
> it=it+1
> 53 continue
> close (unit=29)
> endif
> 51 continue
> !! Write out some numbers to see if they make sense
> write (6,500)(chi(73,35,it)/1e6,it=5430,5436)
> 500 FORMAT(f7.3,1x,f7.3,1x,f7.3,1x,f7.3,1x,f7.3,1x,f7.3,1x,f7.3,1x,)
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> !!
> !! Open the output data file
> open (unit=291,file="chi_33yr.dat", access="direct",
> & status="unknown",recl=4*nx*ny)
> !! Use chi_out to write each time step out as a record.
> DO 70 itt=1,files*nt
> do ix=1,nx
> do iy=1,ny
> chi_out(ix,iy)=chi(ix,iy,itt)
> enddo
> enddo
> write (291, rec=itt) chi_out !Write each time step as a record
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> !! Get the average values using the daily_ave subroutine
> do it=1,tsy !Loop through all 1464 6 hour times in the year (leap year)
> CALL daily_ave(chi,a_chi,it,nx,ny,nt,tsy)
> if (mod(it,100).eq.0)then
> write(6,*)it,a_chi(55,55,it)/1e6
> endif
> enddo
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> !! Write the data out to a file
> open (unit=290,file="mean_chi_33yr.dat", access="direct",
> & status="unknown",recl=4*nx*ny*tsy)
> write (290, rec=1) a_chi
> ! open (unit=291,file="chi_33yr.dat", access="direct",
> ! & status="unknown",recl=4*nx*ny*nt*files)
> ! write (291, rec=1) chi
> stop
> end
> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
> I left out the subroutines because I think they are working correctly and
> don't have anything to do with the problem I'm having since they are used
> below where the data is written out.
> Here is the list of input files I have:
> CHI_200hPa_10.dat CHI_200hPa_26.dat CHI_200hPa_41.dat CHI_200hPa_57.dat
> CHI_200hPa_11.dat CHI_200hPa_27.dat CHI_200hPa_42.dat CHI_200hPa_58.dat
> CHI_200hPa_12.dat CHI_200hPa_28.dat CHI_200hPa_43.dat CHI_200hPa_59.dat
> CHI_200hPa_13.dat CHI_200hPa_29.dat CHI_200hPa_44.dat CHI_200hPa_5.dat
> CHI_200hPa_14.dat CHI_200hPa_2.dat CHI_200hPa_45.dat CHI_200hPa_60.dat
> CHI_200hPa_15.dat CHI_200hPa_30.dat CHI_200hPa_46.dat CHI_200hPa_61.dat
> CHI_200hPa_16.dat CHI_200hPa_31.dat CHI_200hPa_47.dat CHI_200hPa_62.dat
> CHI_200hPa_17.dat CHI_200hPa_32.dat CHI_200hPa_48.dat CHI_200hPa_63.dat
> CHI_200hPa_18.dat CHI_200hPa_33.dat CHI_200hPa_49.dat CHI_200hPa_64.dat
> CHI_200hPa_19.dat CHI_200hPa_34.dat CHI_200hPa_4.dat CHI_200hPa_65.dat
> CHI_200hPa_1.dat CHI_200hPa_35.dat CHI_200hPa_50.dat CHI_200hPa_66.dat
> CHI_200hPa_20.dat CHI_200hPa_36.dat CHI_200hPa_51.dat CHI_200hPa_67.dat
> CHI_200hPa_21.dat CHI_200hPa_37.dat CHI_200hPa_52.dat CHI_200hPa_68.dat
> CHI_200hPa_22.dat CHI_200hPa_38.dat CHI_200hPa_53.dat CHI_200hPa_6.dat
> CHI_200hPa_23.dat CHI_200hPa_39.dat CHI_200hPa_54.dat CHI_200hPa_7.dat
> CHI_200hPa_24.dat CHI_200hPa_3.dat CHI_200hPa_55.dat CHI_200hPa_8.dat
> CHI_200hPa_25.dat CHI_200hPa_40.dat CHI_200hPa_56.dat CHI_200hPa_9.dat
> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
> Here is my GrADS script that I use to calculate the velocity potential and
> then write it out using fwrite:
> function full_data(args)
> *##############################################################################
> *# Oh boy the fun stuff. This script opens a DODS file to get renalaysis ##
> *# data that goes all the way back to 1979. It looks like it updates every
> ##
> *# day (e'ryday e'ryday) so it should make thing interesting. The begin
> time##
> *# is 00Z01JAN1979 and the time step is 360mn (6 hours). That's going to ##
> *# complicate things. I suggest cutting it off at 18Z31DEC2011, that makes
> ##
> *# the final time 48212. This is divisible by 68, 48212/68=709. We should
> ##
> *# be able to do that many calculations (hopefully). We can! ##
> *# ##
> *# I took out the top 7 layers because the 200mb level is level 10. This ##
> *# will make it run a little more efficient in theory. What I should do is
> ##
> *# have it just do level 10. That would probably cut the time down a lot
> but##
> *# I am a masocist. ##
> *# This takes FOR-EV-ER! ##
> *##############################################################################
> *########### Tom Robinson University of Hawaii 2012 ter at hawaii.edu############
> *##############################################################################
> *# Number of times divided - SHOULD BE 68 !!!
> divnum=subwrd(args,1)
> *# Number of file
> filenum=subwrd(args,2)
> say divnum ' ' filenum
> *# Reinitialize everything, including the gxout
> 'reinit'
> 'set gxout contour'
> 'set looping off'
> *# Open the internet file
> 'sdfopen
> http://nomad2.ncep.noaa.gov:9090/dods/reanalyses/reanalysis-2/6hr/pgb/pgb'
> *#*****************************************************************************
> *#*****************************************************************************
> *# get nt from the descriptor file
> 'q ctlinfo'
> *tdef=sublin(result,9)
> *nt=subwrd(tdef,2)
> nt=48212
> say nt
> *# make sure looping is off. Who knows why it comes on sometimes :-(
> 'set looping off'
> *# Set up the dimensions of the data. Values starting with n indicate the
> *# number of data for the dimension that follows (x,y,z,t)
> *dx=2.5
> *dy=2.5
> *#
> nx=144
> ny=73
> nz=10
> nt=nt
> it=(((filenum-1)*nt)/divnum)+1
> nt=filenum*nt/divnum
> *# Set background to white
> 'set background 1'
> *# Clear to get the white background
> 'clear'
> 'set grads off'
> 'set mpdset hires'
> 'set string 0'
> *#* Set the map to black
> 'set map 0'
> *#* Set the labels and title to black
> 'set annot 0'
> *#radius on the earth in m
> 'define Re=6378100'
> *# pi
> 'define pi=3.14159265'
> *# ytom is the conversion of 1 degree to meters at 30N
> 'define ytom=110852.4248'
> *# set to full domain to define variables
> 'set t ' it ' ' nt
> say 'set t ' it ' ' nt
> 'set lon 0 360'
> 'set lat -90 90'
> *######## Z is set up for 200mb ONLY!
> 'set lev 200'
> *#*****************************************************************************
> *#*****************************************************************************
> *# Calculate the velocity potential using the opengrads function fish_chi
> 'define chi = fish_chi(UGRDprs,VGRDprs)'
> *******************************************************************************
> *#*****************************************************************************
> *# Set up colors 16-20 are green, 21-25 are blue
> gnum = 16
> bnum = 21
> count = 1
> cnum = 25
> while (count<=5)
> *# Put the rgb colors in using gnum as gree and bnum as blue
> 'set rgb 'gnum' 0 ' cnum ' 0'
> 'set rgb 'bnum' 0 0 ' cnum
> *# Increment the counter and color numbers
> count=count+1
> gnum=gnum+1
> bnum=bnum+1
> *# Increase the rgb number by 55
> cnum=cnum+55
> endwhile
> 'set gxout shaded'
> *# Set up the levels and colors using blue for negative and green for
> positive
> 'set clevs -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20'
> 'set ccols 22 23 24 25 1 1 20 19 18 17 '
> *# Change to a tropical latitude domain for display purposes
> 'set lat -30 30'
> 'set lon 0 360'
> 'set t 'it
> 'set lev 200 200'
> *# Display the velocity potential and divide by a million
> 'd (chi/1e6)'
> *# Display the color bar
> 'cbarn_black'
> *# Draw the title with the date
> 'q time'
> date=subwrd(result,3)
> 'q dim'
> rec=sublin(result,4)
> level=subwrd(rec,6)
> 'draw title 'level'hPa Velocity Potential 'date
> ** get the month
> month=substr(date,6,3)
> ** get the year
> year=substr(date,9,4)
> ** get the day
> day=substr(date,4,2)
> ** get the hour
> hour=substr(date,1,3)
> say month ' ' year
> 'printim 'year''month''day''hour'_'level'hPa.jpg'
> 'printim 'year'_'filenum'.jpg'
> *#*****************************************************************************
> *#*****************************************************************************
> *# set up global domain once again
> 'set looping off'
> 'set lev 200 '
> 'set lat -90 90'
> 'set lon 0 360'
> *#**************************************************************
> say 'write data out to binary file called CHI.200hPa'filenum'.dat'
> 'set fwrite -le -sq -cl CHI_200hPa_'filenum'.dat'
> 'set gxout fwrite'
> while (it <= nt)
> 'set t 'it
> 'display chi'
> it=it+1
> endwhile
> 'disable fwrite'
> *******************************************************************************
> *set fwrite <-be or -le> <-sq or -st> <-ap or -cl> fname
> *Sets the filename for data output as well as byte ordering and data
> format.
> * fname output filename (default = grads.fwrite)
> * -be output data byte ordering is big endian
> * -le output data byte ordering is little endian
> * -sq output data format is sequential
> * -st output data format is stream (default)
> * -ap output data is appended to existing file
> * -cl output data replaces existing file if it exists (default)
> *******************************************************************************
> 'set looping off'
> ** Looping should be turned off
> 'set gxout contour'
> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
> On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 10:56 AM, Eric Altshuler < ela at cola.iges.org >
> wrote:
> Tom,
> There are three things I'll point out here:
> 1. You seem to be trying to write out all the data at once, in a huge
> array dimensioned (144,73,48212). This array may require more memory than
> your computer has. Instead, try declaring your array as (144,73) and set up
> a DO loop in your fortran program to write out each time step individually.
> You'll need to substantially modify how your program reads the input data,
> too. If you send your complete fortran code, I might be able to modify it
> to implement my suggested method (no guarantees, though). This will
> eliminate the need to break up the 48212 time steps into 68*709.
> 2. What is the size of the input files to your fortran program (i.e. the
> files written by fwrite)? This information will indicate if you have a
> wraparound problem.
> 3. Your ctl file has the line:
> chi 0 x,y,t 1 ** velocity potential
> Since your data is binary, I think this line should be:
> chi 0 99 ** velocity potential
> Eric
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Thomas Robinson" < ter at hawaii.edu >
> To: "GrADS Users Forum" < gradsusr at gradsusr.org >
> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 2:03:09 PM
> Subject: Re: [gradsusr] fwrite gridding issue
> The file is the correct size. 144*73*48212*4= 2027218176
> -rw-r--r-- 1 ter businger 2027218176 May 9 15:57 chi_33yr.dat
> My computer crashes if I try to do all 48212, so I had to break it up in
> 68 separate files each with 709 time steps. So:
> PARAMETER (nt=709) !Number of time steps in each file
> PARAMETER (nrec=709) !Number of records in each file
> PARAMETER (files=68) !Number of input files
> The FORTRAN program reads in all of the files and stores the data in one
> variable chi, then it goes written out to the file chi_33yr.dat.
> My FORTRAN program also calculates a 33 year 6-hourly mean, but the
> variable chi isn't affected by that and that is written to a separate file
> which is also having the same problem.
> -Tom
> On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 7:51 AM, Jennifer Adams < jma at cola.iges.org >
> wrote:
> I'm no fortran expert, but I think "direct" means the 4-byte headers and
> footers for each record are not written, so you should remove 'options
> sequential'. According to your descriptor, your data file (chi_33yr.dat)
> should be 144*73*48212*4 bytes large. Is it? What is 'files'?
> --Jennifer
> On May 10, 2012, at 1:44 PM, Thomas Robinson wrote:
> Here is my code that opens and writes out the data:
> open (unit=291,file="chi_33yr.dat", access="direct",
> & status="unknown",recl=4*nx*ny*nt*files)
> write (291, rec=1) chi
> The variable chi has dimensions nx,ny,nt*files .
> I added options sequential to the descriptor file and the same thing is
> happening. Here is my descriptor file:
> dset ^chi_33yr.dat
> title Velocity Potential
> options sequential
> undef 9.999e+20
> xdef 144 linear 0 2.5
> ydef 73 linear -90 2.5
> zdef 1 levels 200
> tdef 48212 linear 00Z01JAN1979 360mn
> vars 1
> chi 0 x,y,t 1 ** velocity potential
> endvars
> All of your input is very much appreciated.
> -Tom
> On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 3:16 AM, Jennifer Adams < jma at cola.iges.org >
> wrote:
> Tom, Did you include 'options sequential' in your descriptor file for your
> new binary file? --Jennifer
> On May 10, 2012, at 8:49 AM, Raghu Reddy wrote:
> I am not a grads user, just responding to the FORTRAN/C issue.
> If you do a normal sequential FORTRAN write, it writes an end-of-record
> marker at the beginning * and * at the end of * every * write. Since you
> mentioned that the data is skewed, I assume you wrote all the 48,000 values
> with one write statement, and that would result in one EOR marker at the
> beginning and one EOR marker at the end.
> If you don’t want these EOR markers you could write the file out as direct
> access files in Fortran.
> Hope this helps.
> Thanks,
> --Raghu
> From: gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org [mailto: gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org] On Behalf Of Thomas Robinson
> Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 11:36 PM
> To: GrADS Users Forum
> Subject: [gradsusr] fwrite gridding issue
> Aloha,
> I used fwrite to write out to a binary file in order to create a large
> file with about 48000 time steps for global data (because I am crazy). I
> noticed that when I use fortran to create a new data file that has all
> 48000, it doesn't match with what the original data plotted, instead it
> seems skewed. No manipulations were done to the data, it was just read it
> all in and write it out. When I tried to loop the data, I further noticed
> that the northern border looped around the south and then moved upwards
> back to the north. It just keeps looping around and it's odd because the
> top boundary of the map isn't continuous with the bottom boundary (unlike
> the side boundaries which are continuous). Anyways, I am wondering why this
> happened and what I can do to make it work out correctly.
> Here is my fwrite code. it is the first time step, nt is the last time
> step, chi is the velocity potential that was calculated using 'define chi =
> fish_chi(UGRDprs,VGRDprs)' :
> *# set up global domain
> 'set lev 200 '
> 'set lat -90 90'
> 'set lon 0 360'
> *#**************************************************************
> say 'write data out to binary file called CHI.200hPa'filenum'.dat'
> 'set fwrite -le -sq -cl CHI_200hPa_'filenum'.dat'
> 'set gxout fwrite'
> while (it <= nt)
> 'set t 'it
> 'display chi'
> it=it+1
> endwhile
> 'disable fwrite'
> Mahalo for your help!
> -Tom
> --
> Tom Robinson
> President Graduate Student Organization
> Student Caucus Representative for the Graduate Student Organization
> Graduate Student - Department of Meteorology
> 732-718-2323 _______________________________________________
> gradsusr mailing list
> gradsusr at gradsusr.org
> http://gradsusr.org/mailman/listinfo/gradsusr
> --
> Jennifer M. Adams
> 4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
> Calverton, MD 20705
> jma at cola.iges.org
> _______________________________________________
> gradsusr mailing list
> gradsusr at gradsusr.org
> http://gradsusr.org/mailman/listinfo/gradsusr
> --
> Tom Robinson
> President Graduate Student Organization
> Student Caucus Representative for the Graduate Student Organization
> Graduate Student - Department of Meteorology
> 732-718-2323
> _______________________________________________
> gradsusr mailing list
> gradsusr at gradsusr.org
> http://gradsusr.org/mailman/listinfo/gradsusr
> --
> Jennifer M. Adams
> 4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
> Calverton, MD 20705
> jma at cola.iges.org
> _______________________________________________
> gradsusr mailing list
> gradsusr at gradsusr.org
> http://gradsusr.org/mailman/listinfo/gradsusr
> --
> Tom Robinson
> President Graduate Student Organization
> Student Caucus Representative for the Graduate Student Organization
> Graduate Student - Department of Meteorology
> 732-718-2323
> _______________________________________________
> gradsusr mailing list
> gradsusr at gradsusr.org
> http://gradsusr.org/mailman/listinfo/gradsusr
> _______________________________________________
> gradsusr mailing list
> gradsusr at gradsusr.org
> http://gradsusr.org/mailman/listinfo/gradsusr
> --
> Tom Robinson
> President Graduate Student Organization
> Student Caucus Representative for the Graduate Student Organization
> Graduate Student - Department of Meteorology
> 732-718-2323
> _______________________________________________
> gradsusr mailing list
> gradsusr at gradsusr.org
> http://gradsusr.org/mailman/listinfo/gradsusr
> _______________________________________________
> gradsusr mailing list
> gradsusr at gradsusr.org
> http://gradsusr.org/mailman/listinfo/gradsusr

Tom Robinson
President Graduate Student Organization
Student Caucus Representative for the Graduate Student Organization
Graduate Student - Department of Meteorology
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