[gradsusr] OpenGrads on Windows

Arlindo da Silva dasilva at alum.mit.edu
Wed May 2 20:24:38 EDT 2012

On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 3:15 AM, Maat, Herbert ter <Herbert.termaat at wur.nl>wrote:

>  Thanks for the reply.****
> ** **
>  I have the following problems on running OpenGrads 2.0.1 on my Windows
> machine. After installation a directory is (OpenGracs\Classic) ****
>  ** **
> Which package exactly are you installing? Unless you are a cygwin user
> already, stick with the superpak. ****
> >> I have used the superpack-installation file
> (grads-2.0.1.oga.1-win32_superpack.exe) ****
> ** **
>  is created with 4 directories who are linking to certain directories in
> the Contents directory. Am I correct that these links do not function?
> Well, at least these links are not working on my machine.****
>  ****
>  ** **
> Yes, they should not work unless you are working from a cygwin shell;
> these wrappers are written in perl, for windows I've rewritten them in
> visual basic (see scripts above Contents/.) If you are not a cygwin user,
> you need not worry about these details. Just install the Windows superpak,
> let it automatically add the "grads" bin directory to your path and you
> should be good to go, either from the [start] menu, from a icon on your
> desktop or from the windows command line (cmd.exe).****
> ** **
> ** **
> >> Just to make sure... the links that I am referring to are the bin,
> data, scripts and test_data directories. I opened them all in a text editor
> and they all start with !<symlink>.  When I double-click on one of these
> (e.g. bin)  then Windows ask me which program I want to use to open the
> file. If these symbolic links don’t function anymore, then that is okay for
> me but I thought that these symbolic links are a nice addition :-)****
> **

Those links would only be functional under cygwin.  (It should work if you
start the sh.exe or tcsh.exe shells included.)  For non-cygwin users,
ignore the Classic/ directory.

Is GrADS working for you otherwise?


Arlindo da Silva
*dasilva at alum.mit.edu*
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