[gradsusr] Building 2.0.1 on Ubuntu 12.04 (hdf4, netcdf, shapefile not detected)

klo uo klonuo at gmail.com
Sun May 13 15:37:33 EDT 2012


I'm trying to build grads 2.0.1 from source on Ubuntu 12.04

Although I have:

 - libnetcdf-dev (4.1.1-6)
 - libhdf4-dev (4.2rc4-12build1)
 - libshp-dev (1.2.10-5)

./configure script does not detect:

- shapefile disabled
- hdf4 disabled
- netcdf disabled

configure itself seems too dense to me, so can anyone suggest
solution, other then building provided supplement packages on grads
download page?

Thanks in advance

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