[gradsusr] Using Grads to display items in Netcdf at surface and in profile

Sid Katz sid.katz at noaa.gov
Fri Mar 30 11:07:49 EDT 2012

I have created a valid netcdf file which has single value variables at the surface and 
multiple value variables in profile (i.e. 4 soil temperatures and 64 omega values).The 
file has 3 time steps for a single location.It is point data, not gridded data.The 
ncdump utility shows that the data are in the netcdf formatted file correctly.

I have tried to display the data with Grads using the commands sdfopen, xdfopen, and 
open with no success.Here are snippets of the netcdf file followed by the control files 
that I tried.Is it possible that the netcdf file is too complex for Grads to interpret 

netcdf kali_ganda {


time = UNLIMITED ; // (3 currently)

lat = 1 ;

lon = 1 ;

bnds = 2 ;

height_2m = 1 ;

height_10m = 1 ;

soil_depth = 4 ;

cld_height = 4 ;

level = 64 ;


double time(time) ;

time:units = "hours since 2007-01-0100:00:00" ;

time:long_name = "time" ;

time:standard_name = "time" ;

time:bounds = "time_bnds" ;

float lat(lat) ;

lat:units = "degrees_north" ;

lat:long_name = "Horizontal coordinate variable" ;

lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;

lat:axis = "Y" ;

float lon(lon) ;

lon:units = "degrees_east" ;

lon:long_name = "Horizontal coordinate variable" ;

lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;

lon:axis = "X" ;

float soil_depth(soil_depth) ;

soil_depth:units = "m" ;

soil_depth:long_name = "depth of soil layers" ;

soil_depth:standard_name = "depth" ;

soil_depth:axis = "Z" ;

soil_depth:positive = "down" ;

soil_depth:bounds = "soil_bnds" ;

float soil_bnds(soil_depth, bnds) ;

soil_bnds:units = "m" ;

soil_bnds:long_name = "soil bounds" ;

float cld_height(cld_height) ;

cld_height:long_name = "pbl low, medium, high cloud layers" ;

cld_height:bounds = "cld_bnds" ;

float cld_bnds(cld_height, bnds) ;

cld_bnds:long_name = "cloud bounds" ;

float level(level) ;

level:long_name = "model level from ground" ;

level:standard_name = "atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate" ;

level:axis = "Z" ;

level:positive = "up" ;

level:formula_terms = "ap: ak b: bk ps: PS" ;

float ak(level) ;

ak:long_name = "coeffient of vertical coordinate system" ;

float bk(level) ;

bk:long_name = "coeffient of vertical coordinate system" ;

float ASHFL_S(time, lat, lon) ;

ASHFL_S:long_name = "sensible heat flux" ;

ASHFL_S:units = "W m-2" ;

ASHFL_S:standard_name = "surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux" ;

ASHFL_S:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;

ASHFL_S:missing_value = 3.4e+38f ;

ASHFL_S:_FillValue = 3.4e+38f ;

float ALHFL_S(time, lat, lon) ;

ALHFL_S:long_name = "latent heat flux" ;

ALHFL_S:units = "w m-2" ;

ALHFL_S:standard_name = "surface_upward_latent_heat_flux" ;

ALHFL_S:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;

ALHFL_S:missing_value = 3.4e+38f ;

ALHFL_S:_FillValue = 3.4e+38f ;

float T_SO(time, soil_depth, lat, lon) ;

T_SO:long_name = "soil temperature" ;

T_SO:units = "k" ;

T_SO:standard_name = "soil_temperature" ;

T_SO:cell_methods = "soil_depth: mean" ;

T_SO:missing_value = 3.4e+38f ;

T_SO:_FillValue = 3.4e+38f ;

float TTOP(time, cld_height, lat, lon) ;

TTOP:long_name = "cloud temperature bdy low med high" ;

TTOP:units = "k" ;

TTOP:standard_name = "air_temperature_at_cloud_top" ;

TTOP:cell_methods = "xxxx_depth: mean" ;

TTOP:missing_value = 3.4e+38f ;

TTOP:_FillValue = 3.4e+38f ;

float OMEGA(time, level, lat, lon) ;

OMEGA:long_name = "vertical air velocity expressed as tende" ;

OMEGA:units = "Pa s-1" ;

OMEGA:standard_name = "lagrangian_tendency_of_air_pressure" ;

OMEGA:missing_value = 3.4e+38f ;

OMEGA:_FillValue = 3.4e+38f ;

// global attributes:

:Title = "netCDF file made by make_fldap_ncdf" ;

:Institution = "" ;

:History = " ./make_ceop_ncdf molts_070.dat" ;

:Source = "NCEP GFS version 31-May-2005" ;

:Point_name = "Kali Gandaki Angsin" ;

:Location = "Point(lat,lon) =27.8983.80" ;

:Forecast_initial = "2012-03-22 18:00UTC" ;

:Conventions = "CF-1.0" ;

:compression = "none" ;

:netCDF_version = "3.5.0 of Aug 24 2004 13:28:37 $" ;


time = 45786, 45789, 45792 ;

lat = 27.905 ;

lon = 83.864 ;

time_bnds =

45786, 45786,

45786, 45789,

45789, 45792 ;

soil_depth = 0.05, 0.25, 0.7, 1.5 ;

soil_bnds =

0, 0.1,

0.1, 0.4,

0.4, 1,

1, 2 ;

cld_height = 0.05, 0.225, 0.525, 0.85 ;

cld_bnds =

0, 0.1,

0.1, 0.35,

0.35, 0.7,

0.7, 1 ;

level = 1, 2, 3, 4,....64;

ak = 0, 0, 0.575, 5.741,...64.247 ;

bk = 1, 0.9946712, 0.9886266, 0.9817423, ..., 0 ;




0 ;




-1 ;

T_SO =












292.273 ;













0 ;














more kali_ganda_sfc.xtl

DSET ^kali_ganda.nc

undef 3.402823e+38

title sample NetCDF output from make_fldap_ncdf: surface fields

* dtype netcdf





FR_LAND=>fr_land0y,x **

AUMFL_S=>aumfl_s0y,x **

AVMFL_S=>avmfl_s0y,x **

ASHFL_S=>ashfl_s0y,x **

ALHFL_S=>alhfl_s0 y,x **

T_G=>t_g0y,x **

SNOW_S=>snow_s0y,x **

ATHDW_S=>athdw_s0y,x **

ATHUP_S=>athup_s0y,x **

ATHUP_T=>athup_t0y,x **

ASOUP_T=>asoup_t0y,x **

ASOUP_S=>asoup_s0y,x **

ASODW_S=>asodw_s0y,x **

TOT_PREC=>tot_prec0y,x **

PREC_CON=>prec_con0y,x **

AHFLU_S=>ahflu_s0y,x **

FR_ICE=>fr_ice0y,x **

PS=>ps0y,x **

RUNOFF_S=>runoff_s0y,x **

AUGRW_S=>augrw_s0y,x **

AVGRW_S=>avgrw_s0y,x **

DZ_PBL=>dz_pbl0y,x **

IWV=>iwv0y,x **

ALB=>alb0y,x **

CLCT=>clct0y,x **

SEA_ICE=>sea_ice0y,x **

SNOW_DEPTH=>snow_dep 0y,x **

W_I=>w_i0y,x **

FR_VEG=>fr_veg0y,x **

PREC_TYPE=>prec_type 0y,x **

SFEXC=>sfexc0y,x **

ACOND=>acond0y,x **

SSRUN=>ssrun0y,x **

EVBS=>evbs0y,x **

EVCW=>evcw0y,x **

TRANS=>trans0y,x **

ASSHFL=>asshfl0y,x **

FR_SNOW=>fr_snow0y,x **

QV_S=>qv_s0y,x **

PREC_GSP=>prec_gsp0y,x **



Config: v1.9b4 32-bit little-endian readline sdf/xdf hdf-sds netcdf lats printim

Landscape mode? (no for portrait):no

GX Package Initialization: Size = 8.5 11

ga-> xdfopen kali_ganda_sfc.xtl

Scanning Descriptor File:kali_ganda_sfc.xtl

XDFOpen Error:Invalid variable record

--> The invalid description file record is:

--> fr_land=>fr_land0y,x **

The data file was not opened.

ga-> quit

ga-> sdfopen kali_ganda.nc

Scanning self-describing file:kali_ganda.nc

SDF file kali_ganda.nc is open as file 1

LON set to 1 1

LAT set to 1 1

LEV set to 2 2

Time values set: 2012:3:22:18 2012:3:22:18

ga-> q file

File 1 :

Descriptor: kali_ganda.nc

Binary: kali_ganda.nc

Type = Gridded

Xsize = 1Ysize = 1Zsize = 1Tsize = 3

Number of Variables = 67

elev 0 -999 Model altitude

veg_type 0 -999 Vegetation type

soil_type 0 -999 soil_type

fr_land 0 -999 sea(0) land(1) mask

aumfl_s 0 -999 zonal wind stress

avmfl_s 0 -999 meridional wind stress

ashfl_s 0 -999 sensible heat flux

alhfl_s 0 -999 latent heat flux

t_g 0 -999 surface temperature

w_so 0 -999 total water content of soil (liquid+ice)

w_liq 0 -999 total water content of soil (liquid)

t_so 0 -999 soil temperature

snow_s 0 -999 snow water equivalent

athdw_s 0 -999 longwave downward flux at surface

athup_s 0 -999 longwave upward flux at surface

athup_t 0 -999 longwave upward flux at toa

asoup_t 0 -999 shortwave upward flux at toa

asoup_s 0 -999 shortwave upward flux at surface

asodw_s 0 -999 shortwaveldownward flux at surface

clc 0 -999 cloud area fraction bdy low med high

ptop 0 -999 cloud top pressure bdy low med high

pbas 0 -999 cloud bottom pressure bdy low med high

ttop 0 -999 cloud temperature bdy low med high

tot_prec 0 -999 precipitation amount in 3 hour

prec_con 0 -999 convective precipitation in 3 hour

ahflu_s 0 -999 upward ground heat flux

fr_ice 0 -999 concentration of seaice

u_10m 0 -999 u-component of wind at 10m above ground

v_10m 0 -999 v-component of wind at 10m above ground

t_2m 1 -999 air temperature at 2m above ground

qv_2m 1 -999 specific humidity at 2m above ground

ps 0 -999 surface pressure

tmax_2m 1 -999 maximum air temperature 2m above ground

tmin_2m 1 -999 minimum air temperature 2m above ground

runoff_s 0 -999 runoff amount in 3 hour

augrw_s 0 -999 zonal stress due to gravity wave drag

avgrw_s 0 -999 meridional stress due tolgravity wave dg

dz_pbl 0 -999 planetary boundary layer

iwv 0 -999 precicipitable water

alb 0 -999 surface albedo(mean??)

clct 0 -999 cloud area fraction atmospheric column

sea_ice 0 -999 sea ice thickness

snow_depth 0 -999 snow depth

w_i 0 -999 canopy water content

fr_veg 0 -999 vegetation area fraction

prec_type 0 -999 precipitation type snow(0) rain(1)

sfexc 0 -999 surface exchange coefficient

acond 0 -999 surface aerodynamic conductance

ssrun 0 -999 storm surface runoff amount in 3 hour

evbs 0 -999 direct evaporation from bare soil

evcw 0 -999 canopy water evaporation

trans 0 -999 plant canopy transpiration

asshfl 0 -999 surface snow sublimation heat flux

fr_snow 0 -999 surface snow area fraction

qv_s 0 -999 soil moisture content 200cm below sfc

prec_gsp 0 -999 largescale precipitation in 3 hour

u 0 -999 u component wind on model level

v 0 -999 v component wind on model level

t 0 -999 temperature on model level

qv 0 -999 specific humidity on model level

p 0 -999 pressure on model level

omega 0 -999 vertical air velocity expressed as tende

dtdt_adv 0 -999 tendency of air temperature due to advec

dqvdt_adv 0 -999 tendency of specific humidity due to adv

fr_qwqi 0 -999 total cloud condensate (liq+ice) on mode

dqwdt_adv 0 -999 tendency of total cloud condensate (liq+

clc_m 0 -999 cloud cover on model level


Does not display values correctly when the command t set 1 3 is invoked, yet when t set 
1 is invoked the single value is correct for a variable.

ga-> quit

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