[gradsusr] TIGGE grib2 to netcdf

Ousmane Ndiaye ousmane at iri.columbia.edu
Tue Mar 13 06:12:21 EDT 2012

I have TIGGE data in grib2 format I used ncl_convert2nc to convert the file to netcdf format but grads seems not liking it is there anyway to make it works.
The file has : 14 runs, 9 leadtime, and 184 starting days over 121x121 grid

== with opengrads
ga-> sdfopen ../2011/new/EnsECMWFoutput2011_.nc 
Scanning self-describing file:  ../2011/new/EnsECMWFoutput2011_.nc
gadsdf: SDF file has no discernable X coordinate.

==  ncdump output
ousmane$ ncdump -h EnsECMWFoutput2011_.nc 
netcdf EnsECMWFoutput2011_ {
	ensemble0 = 14 ;
	initial_time0_hours = 184 ;
	forecast_time0 = 9 ;
	lat_0 = 121 ;
	lon_0 = 121 ;
	float tp_P11_L1_GLL0_acc(ensemble0, initial_time0_hours, forecast_time0, lat_0, lon_0) ;
		tp_P11_L1_GLL0_acc:statistical_process_duration = "initial time to forecast time" ;
		tp_P11_L1_GLL0_acc:type_of_statistical_processing = "Accumulation" ;
		tp_P11_L1_GLL0_acc:level_type = "Ground or water surface" ;
		tp_P11_L1_GLL0_acc:parameter_template_discipline_category_number = 11, 0, 1, 52 ;
		tp_P11_L1_GLL0_acc:parameter_discipline_and_category = "Meteorological products, Moisture" ;
		tp_P11_L1_GLL0_acc:grid_type = "Latitude/longitude" ;
		tp_P11_L1_GLL0_acc:_FillValue = 1.e+20f ;
		tp_P11_L1_GLL0_acc:units = "kg/m^2" ;
		tp_P11_L1_GLL0_acc:long_name = "total precipitation" ;
		tp_P11_L1_GLL0_acc:production_status = "TIGGE Operational products" ;
		tp_P11_L1_GLL0_acc:center = "European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts" ;

// global attributes:
		:creation_date = "Tue Mar 13 09:55:49 GMT 2012" ;
		:NCL_Version = "6.0.0" ;
		:system = "Darwin lodyn412.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr 10.8.0 Darwin Kernel Version 10.8.0: Tue Jun  7 16:33:36 PDT 2011; root:xnu-1504.15.3~1/RELEASE_I386 i386" ;
		:conventions = "None" ;
		:grib_source = "EnsECMWFoutput2011_.grib2" ;
		:title = "NCL: convert-GRIB-to-netCDF" ;

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