[gradsusr] Lifted Index Formula

Mike Manning michael at bsch.au.com
Fri Mar 2 08:23:40 EST 2012

Cool will keep this in mind as well - I had been making good progress 
with everything until I hit the function for LiftWet.  On plotskew.gs 
(http://moe.met.fsu.edu/~rhart/software/plotskew.gs) everything there is 
taken for a single point on a chart - I guess because I'm trying to use 
an entire chart section, it's why I'm having dramas?

I've got all other functions working perfectly.. here's one for example:

function Templcl(temp,dewp)

* Calculate the temp at the LCL given temp & dewp in C


This is the function I am having trouble with, it basically gets stuck 
in the loop and never exits :(

function LiftWet(startt,startp,endp)

* Lift a parcel moist adiabatically from startp to endp.
* Init temp is startt in C.  If you wish to see the parcel's
* path plotted, display should be 1.  Returns temp of parcel at endp.

While (pres >= endp)

I call it by 'define PclTemp='LiftWet('TLcl','PLcl',500) where TLcl and 
PLcl work perfectly when I plot those 2 variables by themselves so I 
know they are all good.  I just have a funny feeling now that I have hit 
a brick wall that I cannot get around - which probably explains why no 
one else has created a Lifted Index chart. I do hope I am wrong though

Cheers, Mike

On 2/03/2012 11:24 AM, Arlindo da Silva wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 11:25 AM, Jeff Duda <jeffduda319 at gmail.com 
> <mailto:jeffduda319 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     You've confused the different uses of scripting functions vs.
>     Grads prompt functions.  You can only display a variable that you
>     have defined using the 'define ...' command (note the use of the
>     quotes signaling that it was defined as if you typed it in at the
>     Grads prompt).  Your use of variable = satvap(...) with satvap
>     being a script function only is causing Grads to assume variable
>     is a script variable only, not one that can be displayed.  The
>     reason you get the other error when you put the other line in
>     quotes is because math_exp is strictly a script version of the exp
>     function that you would use in the Grads command prompt.  Thus,
>     you would want to change that line to
>     'es = 6.112*exp(17.67*temp/(temp+243.5))'
>     in order to display es or define any other variables that would
>     depend on it.
> This is generally true but if you are using opengrads you can make the 
> script function satvap() available to the display command, say
> ga-> d satvap(t1000)
> by putting it in its own file "satvap.gsf" and loading the 
> corresponding UDXT as described in the gsUDF documentation 
> <http://opengrads.org/doc/udxt/gsudf/>.  Actually, you could in 
> principle implemented the lifted index as a gsUDF function.
>      Arlindo
>     Jeff Duda
>     On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 7:06 AM, Mike Manning <michael at bsch.au.com
>     <mailto:michael at bsch.au.com>> wrote:
>         Hi everyone,
>         I'm using data from the FNMOC model and am trying to make a
>         function
>         that calculates Lifted Index.  I'm using bits of the code from the
>         plotskew.gs <http://plotskew.gs> code.  So far I've got the
>         temperature (celsius) and
>         dewpoint (celsius) worked out for each level.  Now I'm
>         calculating the
>         parcel details.. I've pulled some of the functions and have
>         just been
>         testing to make sure I'm on the right track.  If I have this
>         code for
>         example:
>         'c'
>         'reinit'
>         'open gfs.00z.ctl'
>         'set t 7'
>         'set lon 135 155'
>         'set lat -31 -10'
>         'set lev 1000'
>         't1000mb = TMPprs-273.14'
>         'define dp1000mb =
>         t1000mb-((14.55+0.114*t1000mb)*(1-0.01*RHprs)+pow((2.5+0.007*t1000mb)*(1-0.01*RHprs),3)+(15.9+0.117*t1000mb)*pow((1-0.01*RHprs),14))'
>         variable = satvap2(t1000mb)
>         'd variable'
>         function satvap2(temp)
>         *---------------------------------------------------------------
>         * Given temp in Celsius, returns saturation vapor pressure in mb
>         *---------------------------------------------------------------
>         es=6.112*math_exp(17.67*temp/(temp+243.5))
>         return(es)
>         'quit'
>         it complains about an error? If I put the code in the satvap2
>         function
>         in single quotes it then says "math_exp" is not a variable or
>         function"?
>         I'm a little lost on how to fix this one up if it's possible.
>         Cheers, Mike
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>     -- 
>     Jeff Duda
>     Graduate research assistant
>     University of Oklahoma School of Meteorology
>     Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms
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> -- 
> Arlindo da Silva
> dasilva at alum.mit.edu <mailto:dasilva at alum.mit.edu>
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