[gradsusr] g2ctl templates

Wesley Ebisuzaki wesley.ebisuzaki at noaa.gov
Thu Jun 28 14:19:16 EDT 2012


   Nobody knows what the names of the files that you are trying to template
nor do they
know the contents of the files except that they are GFS forecasts.  If you
were to make
the files available on FTP, someone might investigate.  Without details,
nobody can solve
your problem.


On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 1:35 PM, Andre Pattantyus <
apattantyus2008 at my.fit.edu> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am reposting since I have not heard back about this error. I tried to
> use g2ctl on gfs forecasts and analysis using a templating option. This did
> not work as expected for unknown reason. The latest error is similar to the
> first. Here is what I type:
> g2ctl gfs_4_20111216_0000_%f3.grb2 > forecast.ctl
> gribmap -i forecast.ctl
> but it only reads the first and last time period which are a day apart
> when I really want all the 6 hr forecasts. I cannot seem to correct this.
> Attempts to change the template result in errors such as adding %h2, %m2,
> %d2. This is really driving me nuts and holding back my work. Someone
> please shed light on this.
> --
> Andre Pattantyus, Graduate Student Research Assistant
> Marine and Environmental Systems, Florida Institute of Technology
> 150 W. University Blvd, Melbourne, FL 32901
> Phone: (321) 674-8330 | Fax: (321) 674-7212 | Email:
> apattantyus2008 at fit.edu
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