[gradsusr] Streamlines

Andreas Schneider cujyaz at googlemail.com
Thu Jul 19 07:15:33 EDT 2012

> As you can see, when you zoom on the image, the streams seems to be
> too much aggregate on the same streamline, and GraDS  neglects any
> modification in the value plotted. For example if we use d u,v or d
> u*0.1;v*0.1 we have the same graphic.

Streamline density is controlled by "set strmden".


If you aren't satisfied and can build GrADS yourself, then you can try
my patch for gxstrm. It should give better results by default, and you
can control several aspects at compile time by the #define's at top of

The attached patch is for GrADS 2.0.a9. 2.0.0+ has some improvements
for streamlines, so it won't work with it. To make it work with recent
versions, you basically have to replace gxstrm.c.

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