[gradsusr] need help with variable and global attributes in netcdf file....

Kishore Babu kishoreragi at gmail.com
Fri Jul 13 02:42:27 EDT 2012

I have been struggling manipulate the netcdf file produced from the global
model to make it compatible with regional model. I don't know how to
apply *scale
facto*r and *add offset* to the data to reduce the size of the file.

required data should have the following.

* longitude = 128 ;*
* latitude = 64 ;*
* levelist = 10 ;*
* date = 366 ;*
* float longitude(longitude) ;*
* longitude:units = "degrees_east" ;*
* float latitude(latitude) ;*
* latitude:units = "degrees_north" ;*
* int levelist(levelist) ;*
* levelist:units = "millibars" ;*
* int date(date) ;*
* date:units = "days since 2002-1-1" ;*
* short t(date, levelist, latitude, longitude) ;*
* t:scale_factor = xxxxxxxxxxxxx ;*
* t:add_offset = xxxxxxxxxxxxx ;*
* t:units = "K" ;*
* t:long_name = "Temperature" ;*
*// global attributes:*
* :Conventions = "MARS" ;*
* :time = "0000" ;*
* :class = "e4" ;*
* :levtype = "pl" ;*
* :repres = "ll" ;*
* :domain = "g" ;*

But, my file from the global of the models is

* lon = 128 ;*
* lat = 64 ;*
* lev = 10 ;*
* time = 366 ;*
* double lon(lon) ;*
* lon:units = "degrees_east" ;*
* lon:long_name = "Longitude" ;*
* double lat(lat) ;*
* lat:units = "degrees_north" ;*
* lat:long_name = "Latitude" ;*
* double lev(lev) ;*
* lev:units = "millibar" ;*
* lev:long_name = "Level" ;*
* double time(time) ;*
* time:long_name = "Time" ;*
* time:units = "minutes since 2012-01-01 00:00" ;*
* double t(time, lev, lat, lon) ;*
* t:_FillValue = -999000000. ;*

 I don't know how to get the variables and global attributes done in the
file though I am quite familiar with NCO. Could anyone familiar with help
me the code to overcome this problem.

Thank you in advance,

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