[gradsusr] function

wendi harjupa wendiharjupa at gmail.com
Fri Jul 6 05:53:20 EDT 2012

Dear Grads users,

I have problem,
below is  my descriptor file

DSET /misc/home/wendi/data1/radar/kototabang/XDR/data/20040410/%d2%h2.dat
UNDEF  -1000
XDEF    321 LINEAR    99.688120996    0.004492369
YDEF    321 LINEAR    -1.083708891    0.004522556
ZDEF    39  LINEAR   1.0 0.5
TDEF    15 LINEAR 21:00Z10apr2004  4mn
VARS    2
ref 39  99  Reflectivity(dBZ)
vel 39  99  Doppler Velocity(m/s)

As you see time is 15,

I want to convert the ref (dbz) to Rain (mm/hr)
by using Z-R correlation formula, as below :

'pow((pow(10, R/10))/200,5/8)',

Then I want to accumulate the rainrate for 1 hour,
I use this formula :

'sum(ref, t=1, t=15)'

But I got strange result.

Here my complete gs file,

'set grads off'
'set mproj latlon'
'set mpdset hires'
'set gxout shaded'
'open RHI.ctl'
'set lon 100 100.8'
'set lat -0.45'
'set Z 1 19'
'set parea 1 7.5 2.8 8.3'
'set clevs 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600'
'set ccols 9 14 4 11 5 13 3 10 7 12 8 2 6'
'R=pow((pow(10, ref/10))/200,5/8)'
'd sum(R, t=1, t=15)'
'run /misc/home/wendi/grads-2.0.1/cbarn 0.7 0.7 7.9 5.2'
'draw string  7.7 7.8 [dBz]'

Would you help me, about this,
please let me know, which part I got wrong

Thank you very much!

Best regards,

Wendi Harjupa. ST
Shimane University Graduate School of Engineering Sciences
Department of Electronic Control Systems
Remote Sensing Laboratory
Cellphone : +81-080-4268-6676
email : wendi at rslab.riko.shimane-u.ac.jp
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