[gradsusr] Grads cannot open MERRA HDF file

You, Yalei yy08 at fsu.edu
Wed Jul 4 17:02:38 EDT 2012

Hey all,

I am trying to use GRADS to plot the MERRA data, for example the "surface pressure filed"

My OS is Ubuntu 11.01, and Grads version is: 2.0.a9

After starts Grads under ubuntu, I typed in the fowllowing:
sdfopen MERRA100.prod.assim.inst3_3d_asm_Cp.19790101.SUB.hdf

Here is the infromation:

Scanning self-describing file:  MERRA100.prod.assim.inst3_3d_asm_Cp.19790101.SUB.hdf
Error: nc_open failed to open file MERRA100.prod.assim.inst3_3d_asm_Cp.19790101.SUB.hdf
Attempt to use feature that was not turned on when netCDF was built.
gadsdf: Couldn't ingest SDF metadata.

Any advice is highly appreciated. Thanks.


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