[gradsusr] Convert TXT to NetCDF

Arlindo da Silva dasilva at alum.mit.edu
Tue Jan 31 21:03:35 EST 2012

On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 10:55 PM, Dr.Gamal El Afandi
<gamalafandy at yahoo.com>wrote:

> Dear all,
> Could you please let me know if anyone have idea about converting the TXTor ASCII data into
> NetCDF?
> Please attached is the file required to be transformed into NetCDF.
> Please below is the program I used to convert from binary to TXT

Why did you get ASCII involved at all? It appears that your binary file can
be directly read by grads (with the proper
Once grads can open your file you can convert it to netcdf with
or if you have opengrads, with lats4d<http://opengrads.org/doc/scripts/lats4d/>


> PROGRAM convert_rfe_bin2asc
> c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
> c  Program: convert_rfe2.f
> c
> c  Description: This program reads in a daily RFE (rainfall estimate) file
> c              (version 2) in .bin format and creates an ascii integer
> c              file.  Each file contains rfe coordinate data ordered by
> rows.
> c              Rainfall resolution is 0.1 degree with a domain of
> c              20W-55E, 40S-40N.
> c
> c  Inputs: 'input_file' = the 10-day binary precip file to be converted
> c
> c  Output: 'output.txt' = the output ascii converted text file
> c
> c  Modified: July, 2010 by Nick Novella (nicholas.novella at noaa.gov)
> c
> c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
> REAL*4 rfe(751,801),arr(3,601551)
> real*4 lat,lon
> INTEGER:: i,j,ind
> character*25:: input_file
> input_file="all_products.bin.20100621"
> c ##################################################
> c #####  Initialize the arrays  #####
> do i = 1,751
> do j = 1,801
>   rfe (i,j) = -999
> end do
> end do
> c #####  Read in the input rainfall data  #####
> open (unit=22,file=input_file,access="direct",
> 1 convert='big_endian',status="old",recl=751*801*4)
> read  (22, rec=1) rfe
> c #####  Open the output file  #####
> open (88,file="output.txt",access='sequential',
> 1 status='unknown',form='formatted')
> c #####  The next code converts the input rainfall data. Each row is then
> written
> c        to the output file.
> ind=1
>   lat= -40.0
> lon= -20.0
> do j=1,801
> do i=1,751
>           arr(1,ind)=lat
>           arr(2,ind)=lon
>           arr(3,ind)=rfe(i,j)
> write (88,499) arr(1,ind), arr(2,ind), arr(3,ind)
> 499 format(1X,f6.2,1X,f6.2,1X,f8.2)
>    ind=ind+1
>    lon=lon+0.1
> end do
>         lat=lat+0.1
>         lon=-20.0
> end do
> With my kind regards
> Gamal
> ___________________________________________________________
> *Gamal Salah El Afandi, Ph.D.
> College of Agricultural, Environment and Nutrition Sciences *
> *College of Engineering
> Tuskegee University, Tuskegee Alabama USA
> *
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Arlindo da Silva
dasilva at alum.mit.edu
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