[gradsusr] Wgrib2 / g2ctl / gribmap

Wesley Ebisuzaki wesley.ebisuzaki at noaa.gov
Thu Jan 19 09:58:47 EST 2012


    I just had a look at the RUC files on the NCEP machine and I didn't see
problems.  (OTOH, I didn't test all the files and you never mentioned which
was causing the problem.)

    Given that you have no problems with windows, makes me suspect that you
have an old wgrib2 or an ancient g2ctl.

>>  *Warning: g2lib/g2clib jpeg deocde may differ from WMO standard, use
use -g2clib 0 for WMO standardg2*

You can ignore this error message as you are using an NCEP file.  The "g2"
typo indicates
an older wgrib2.

*>> Use of uninitialized value $east in addition (+) at g2ctl line 619.*

This error indicates the g2ctl is incompatible with the installed wgrib2.


On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 8:12 PM, Andrew Revering <andy at f5data.com> wrote:

> I'm having a problem with gribmap, g2ctl or potentially wgrib2 when trying
> to create my CTL and IDX files.
> I'm just installing this on a new Linux machine (CentOs6 64 bit) and I
> create the CTL file with the command:
> g2ctl ruc.grib > ruc.ctl
> I get the error:
> *Warning: g2lib/g2clib jpeg deocde may differ from WMO standard, use use
> -g2clib 0 for WMO standardg2*
> *Use of uninitialized value $east in addition (+) at g2ctl line 619.*
> *Use of uninitialized value $west in addition (+) at g2ctl line 619.*
> *Use of uninitialized value $east in addition (+) at g2ctl line 620.*
> *Use of uninitialized value $west in addition (+) at g2ctl line 620.*
> *Use of uninitialized value $west in subtraction (-) at g2ctl line 635.*
> *Use of uninitialized value $east in subtraction (-) at g2ctl line 635.*
> *Use of uninitialized value $west in numeric eq (==) at g2ctl line 636.*
> *Use of uninitialized value $west in concatenation (.) or string at g2ctl
> line 639.*
> *Use of uninitialized value $south in subtraction (-) at g2ctl line 640.*
> *Use of uninitialized value $north in subtraction (-) at g2ctl line 640.*
> *Use of uninitialized value $south in concatenation (.) or string at
> g2ctl line 641.*
> The CTL file did get created and looks alright... but then when I run
> Gribmap ...
> *Open Error:  Missing or invalid dimension increment value*
> *  --> The invalid description file record is:*
> *  --> xdef 1 linear  0.192425685762171*
> *  The data file was not opened.*
> So I'm not sure if its a problem with Gribmap, g2ctl or Wgrib2....nor am I
> sure how to resolve it.
> I use the same exact file on a windows machine using the same process to
> create the CTL and IDX files without a problem, so I assume it has to be
> machine specific with the installation or something.
> Thoughts?
> Andy
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