[gradsusr] How to plot two different SHADED fields?

davide.sacchetti at arpal.gov.it davide.sacchetti at arpal.gov.it
Tue Feb 28 03:56:17 EST 2012

2 chances:
1) set gxout shade
display first field
display second field with maskout (undef value are transparent but you see the grid boxes)
2) set gxout shade2b
display first
set ccols using -1 where you want transparency
display second

it should work
bye bye

From: Mireieta [mailto:mireieta at gmail.com]
To: GrADS Users Forum [mailto:gradsusr at gradsusr.org]
Sent: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 01:30:19 +0100
Subject: [gradsusr] How to plot two different SHADED fields?

Hi grads user,
  I have two different fields that I would like to fit together in a
  same plot and shaded both (obviously with different color scales). It
  could seem a bit odd, but just think about two fields that I don't
  want to plot them below some level, and the highest levels of the two
  fields don't coincide too much in the space. So, I could be able to
  shade both fields if there was a tranparent color. But the alternative
  I found to shade a transparent color is to chose the background color,
  but in that case, the second shaded background color field prints
  everywhere and erase the colored regions of the first field...
  I tried with "shade2" and "shade2b", but these options just plot
  contours, not shaded...
  Anyone has and idea how I can do that?
  Thank you very much!
  gradsusr mailing list
  gradsusr at gradsusr.org
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