[gradsusr] Composite Problems

emily niebuhr elniebuhr at gmail.com
Mon Feb 13 17:00:07 EST 2012

Hey!  I am trying to make a composite of NARR data of unevenly spaced
events:  narr-a2212004122906000.grb  narr-a2212007022515000.grb
narr-a221200802071200.grb narr-a221201102150900.grb

I typed in the following commands:
perl grib2ctl.pl narr-a22120%y2%m2%d2%h2000.grb > PAVD_Case2.ctl

gribmap -i PAVD_Case2.ctl

The problem that I am running into, is that TDEF sets the time step to the
difference between the first two grib files, and then misses the last two
since it looks for that time step in the future.  If I set TDEF to tdef
50000 linear 06Z29dec2004 3hr,  the program crashes around 2008 and gives
the error: grib1map error:
GRIB header not found in scanning between records try increasing the value
of the -s argument. grib1map error: GRIB file format error (rc=52).

 Do you have any suggestions on what I could do?  Thank you for your time!

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