[gradsusr] binary to grib

lbyerle at yahoo.com lbyerle at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 13 12:45:47 EDT 2012

Below are some links that might help.  You can download a default LATs table that can be later used with the -table option in the lats4d command. LATs is supported with opengrads.

For the table I pasted a section that may need to be edited.  For example if you have a variable for temperature at various pressure levels and it is defined tmpprs, you can change where it says "air" to tmpprs.  The grib parameter number (11) stays the same.  Surface variables have "sfc" in the sixth column. You might need to check documentation or sample grib1 files to get the grib parameter numbers needed for the table.

sfcpres | 2  | Surface Pressure                                                      | Pa    | float | sfc | -999 | 16 |   |   |
slp     | 1  | Sea Level Pressure                                                    | Pa    | float | sfc | -999 | 16 |   |   |
air     | 11 | Air Temperature                                                       | K     | float |     | -999 | 16 |   |   |
hgt     | 7  | Geopotential Height                                                   | m     | float |     | -999 | 16 |   |   |
omega   | 39 | Pressure Vertical Velocity                                            | Pa/s  | float |     | -999 | 16 |   |   |
shum    | 51 | Specific Humidity                                                     | kg/kg | float |     | -999 | 16 |   |   |
uwnd    | 33 | Zonal Wind                                                            | m/s   | float |     | -999 | 16 |   |   |
vwnd    | 34 | Meridional Wind                                                       | m/s   | float |     | -999 | 16 |   |   |
Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 13, 2012, at 9:32 AM, Endalkachew Bekele <endalkachew.bekele at noaa.gov> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have been trying to use the lats4d script to convert binary files to GRIB-1. But the output grib files do not seem to follow the NCEP conventions. Someone suggested that I should create my own LATS parameter table; but have no idea on how to do it. Could someone help me on this?
> Thank you,
> Endalk
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