[gradsusr] Second file display not working. why?

Rupak Rajbhandari rupak.rajbhandari at gmail.com
Mon Sep 19 01:05:47 EDT 2011


The following simple script is working well. But when I remove the line 'set
dfile 2', then it says data request completely outside file request. why?




'open d:\indus\gridded\precis\rfQ0.6190\wholeindus\rfQ0.6190.WI.ctl'
'open d:\indus\gridded\precis\rfQ0.1198\wholeindus\rfQ0.1198.WI.ctl'

'exec d:\indus\gs\colors'
'set gxout grfill'

'display ave(rf.1,t=1,t=360,12)'
while (n<50000) ; n=n+1 ; endwhile
'set dfile 2'
'display ave(rf.2,t=1,t=360,12)'
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