[gradsusr] change .cdf file to .nc file

Dan Zhang dan.zhang at zmaw.de
Fri Sep 2 04:15:41 EDT 2011

On Friday 02 September 2011 08:17:31 saeed bayat wrote:
> Hi Zhang,
> As far as I know, CDO work --with-netcdf or --with-grib ( when you want
> install it, you shoud choose one of them).
> Saeed Bayat,
> M.A Student of CLimatology
> Department of Geography
> Ferdowsi University of Mashhad(Iran)
Dear Saeed,

thanks for your reply. As you said, it should work with CDO. But the data has 
wrong format. With the help of John Huddleston, we managed it now:

The format is, when checing with  'nudump' :        float pdsi(X, Y, T) ;
which should be                                          float pdsi(T, Y, X) ;

That's why it's not working with CDO. We use NCO operator to change it: 
ncpdq -a T,Y,X data.cdf data.nc

Anyhow, thanks for your help and have a nice day.




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