[gradsusr] Different output values from Grads and wgrib2

Bo Zhang bzhang3 at mtu.edu
Thu Oct 20 18:22:53 EDT 2011

Hi Wesley,

    Since John tried and found the same problem. Perhaps, some issue happens during control files generation. Could you please send me the control files you create and may be g2ctl also.

    I have tried both GrADS2.0 and 2.0.a9 on my machine which all have this issue. 
    My OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.6 (Tikanga). 

Bo Zhang
Dow 824,Civil and Environmental Engineering
Michigan Tech University
1400 Townsends Drive. 
Houghton, MI, 49931

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wesley Ebisuzaki" <Wesley.Ebisuzaki at noaa.gov>
To: "Bo Zhang" <bzhang3 at mtu.edu>
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 4:40:13 PM (GMT-0500) Auto-Detected
Subject: Re: Different output values from Grads and wgrib2


    With your file, I get the right number for 30 mb with GrADS 
installed on my
machine. (64-bit RedHat 5 - linux, GrADS 2.0a9 from the COLA site).

    The problem that you are finding may be version / machine specific.  You
should send to the GrADS list

   (1) OS
   (2) version of GrADS
   (3) who compiled the GrADS or where obtained from


Bo Zhang wrote:
> Hi Wesley,
> It seems my space is not working correctly, the file broken when John downloaded it. So, excuse me for sending you the data file directly. Here is my results of running GrADS on this data file. 
> With wgrib2:
> [bzhang3 at flexruns wgrib2]$ ./wgrib2 /home/campus03/bzhang3/Grads/fnl_20100508_06_00 -match TMP -s -ijlat 181 91
> 3:120296:d=2010050806:TMP:10 mb:anl::(181,91),lon=180.000000,lat=0.000000,val=239
> 8:393851:d=2010050806:TMP:20 mb:anl::(181,91),lon=180.000000,lat=0.000000,val=220.5
> 13:666758:d=2010050806:TMP:30 mb:anl::(181,91),lon=180.000000,lat=0.000000,val=215.5
> 18:961202:d=2010050806:TMP:50 mb:anl::(181,91),lon=180.000000,lat=0.000000,val=204.5
> 23:1271647:d=2010050806:TMP:70 mb:anl::(181,91),lon=180.000000,lat=0.000000,val=193.7
> With GrADS
> [bzhang3 at flexruns bin]$ ./grads
> ga-> set lat 0
> LAT set to 0 0 
> ga-> set lon 180
> LON set to 180 180
> ga-> d tmpprs (lev=10)
> Result value = 239  
> ga-> d tmpprs (lev=20)
> Result value = 220.5 
> ga-> d tmpprs (lev=30)
> Result value = 300.9 
> ga-> d tmpprs (lev=50)
> Result value = 204.5 
> All numbers match except at level of 30mb. I don't think the problem is from the data file since wgrib2 gives correct numbers. I use g2ctl and gribmap packed in GrADS to generate .ctl and .idx files. I am not sure my GrADS version, probably CentOS 5.6. Information on GrADS:
> Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) Version 2.0.0
> Copyright (c) 1988-2011 by Brian Doty and the
> Institute for Global Environment and Society (IGES)
> See file COPYRIGHT for more information
> Config: v2.0.0 little-endian readline printim grib2 netcdf hdf4-sds hdf5 opendap-grids,stn geotiff shapefile
> Thanks.
> Bo Zhang
> Dow 824,Civil and Environmental Engineering
> Michigan Tech University
> 1400 Townsends Drive. 
> Houghton, MI, 49931

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