[gradsusr] extract wind profile for plot, or wgrib2?

Yaqiang Wang yaqiang.wang at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 20:21:02 EDT 2011

GRIB 1 & 2 data file has no header part, is only compsed by some
independed messages. So you can make a big GRIB file from multiple
files easily.

In Linux: cat file1.grib file2.grib > newfile.grib
In Windows: copy /b file1.grib+file2.grib newfile.grib

On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 11:33 PM, Bo Zhang <bzhang3 at mtu.edu> wrote:
> Hi great grads users:
> I basically want to extract wind profile at a certain lon-lat location for a long period. As each grib2 file is for a certain time, I have to extract wind profile from multiple data files. Is there a build-in function in Grads2 do such thing? I am trying wgrib2 also, which doesn't give result I expect.
> ./wgrib2 gfs_3_20090719_1800_003.grb2 -s -ij 45 45 | grep :UGRD | ./wgrib2 -i gfs_3_20090719_1800_003.grb2 -text data.txt
> Based on my understanding this supposes to work but it writes the whole field instead of a single lon-lat location into the .txt file. Dump the rewrite part and just keep the reading part:
> ./wgrib2 gfs_3_20090719_1800_003.grb2 -s -ij 45 45 | grep :UGRD |
> This does display what I want, but never rewrite into any new files. Looking for suggestions.
> Bo Zhang
> Dow 824,Civil and Environmental Engineering
> Michigan Tech University
> 1400 Townsends Drive.
> Houghton, MI, 49931
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Dr. Yaqiang Wang
Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences (CAMS)
46, Zhong-Guan-Cun South Avenue
Beijing, 100081

yaqiang.wang at gmail.com


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