[gradsusr] Two gxout shaded value in one plot

Joe Moore joe at wxjoe.com
Sat Nov 19 13:12:47 EST 2011


Can you provide the code you are trying to use? I'm having trouble
understanding exactly what you mean.

Overlaying two shaded displays will result in the first being covered by
the second unless you specify to only shade certain values of the second.
While it is possible to set a shaded value to transparent using the latest
GrADS version (use set gxout shade2 and set the color to -1 to be
transparent), it is not possible (not my knowledge) to do any kind of
partial transparency.


On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 3:21 AM, Cuba <jakubguzikowski at o2.pl> wrote:

> Hellow Gradsuser,
> I try make two gxout shaded value in one plot, but this not go.
> I know as make shaded value and countur in one plot, but in this time i
> needs two shaded value.
> Please for help.
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