[gradsusr] Draw symbols on the map

Krzysiek krzyba at o2.pl
Wed Nov 2 10:08:31 EDT 2011

Hi, I would like to draw a few specific results on the map, but I don’t 
know how to do it. I use the command which relate to one random day:

'mfhilo slp CL,h|1'

and I receive something like this:

mfhilo CL method








where ”H 16.86129.90” is a second line, “H 17.03-4.69” third etc. 
Numbers in second and third column are latitude and longitude respectively.

I want to draw on the map all symbols (H & L) from the first column at 
the right place (define by lat/lon). What kind of commands I have to use?

I will add that I have many other maps and the number of lines with data 
which I receive after ‘mfhilo’ command is changeable. But I would like 
to use only one script… Any solutions my friends?


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