[gradsusr] Setting color bar for animation

Clay Blankenship clay.b.blankenship at nasa.gov
Wed Mar 23 14:22:37 EDT 2011

Yes, that is correct.  Ideally, I would specify the range and not have  
to pick the exact colors.  (I'll go back and do that later if  
necessary.)  Just specifying
clevs initially works fine on my first plot.  If I 'd' the variable,  
and then 'cbar', I get the range of values I want.  However if I  
advance the time one step,
and do the 'd var' and 'cbar' again,  I get a different value range.   
It appears that I have to set clevs every time I do a plot.  How is it  
getting reset?
(And I still haven't figured out how to print out the current clevs  
and ccols.)


On Mar 23, 2011, at 11:23 AM, Jeffrey Duda wrote:

> Clay,
> In your original thread post, you asked how to plot a consistent  
> range and set of colors for each time slice of data you want to
> display.  Is that correct?  If so, then all you need to do is use  
> the "set clevs" and "set ccols" commands before you display the
> data.  Unless you want to adjust the range of contours and colors so  
> that they fit the maximum and minimum value in the domain
> each time you display data, then it really is that simple.  Simple  
> code to do this would be:
> 'set dbuff on'
> t = 1
> 'set gxout shaded'
> while (t <= 5)
>   'set t 't
>   'draw title Temperature'
>   'set clevs A B C D E F G H I ...'
>   'set ccols 17 18 29 20 21 22 23 ...'
>   'd t'
>   'cbar'
>   'swap'
>   t = t + 1
> endwhile
> This example assumes you have defined color numbers 17, 18, 19, ...  
> and so on using the "set rgb" command prior to this section
> of code.  It might be easier just to write a separate script file  
> that defines the colors, then issues the "set clevs" and
> "set ccols" command.  Then you could replace some of the code above  
> with something like
> 'set dbuff on'
> t = 1
> 'set gxout shaded'
> while (t <= 5)
>   'set t 't
>   'draw title Temperature'
>   'run mycolorscript.gs'
>   'd t'
>   'cbar'
>   'swap'
>   t = t + 1
> endwhile
> where you created the script called mycolorscript.gs.  I have sample  
> animated gifs stored at http://www.meteor.iastate.edu/~jdduda/sfc_div.gif
> and http://www.meteor.iastate.edu/~jdduda/radar3.gif that show how I  
> used those command lines and a while loop to create the
> frames necessary for an animation, then used gifsicle to make the  
> animated gif.  Gifsicle is another way to make animations,
> but you have to use it outside of Grads, and you'd need to make the  
> images first (i.e., the frames of the animation).
> I hope this clarifies things.
> Jeff Duda
> On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Clay Blankenship <clay.b.blankenship at nasa.gov 
> > wrote:
> OK, from the command line I can use make_clevs to specify any range  
> of levels and plot and get the color bar.  But both of my scripts  
> dd.gs (a script to plot, specify a range, and make a color bar) and  
> ani.gs (animation) do not plot the full color bar when I specify the  
> range with script arguments.  I can't figure out what's going on...
> Also, I am still looking for a way to display the current ccols and  
> clevs.  Do you have to use 'q shades'?
> One more thing, this animation script regulates its speed by  
> redrawing the plot a certain number of times; is there a better way  
> to do that?
> Thanks,
> Clay
> ****dd.gs***********
> function dd (args)
> *Plot a variable and its color scale.
> * dd variable [ -cmin minimum value ]
> *             [ -cmax maximum value ]
> *             [ -cint color scale ]
> variable=subwrd(args,1)
> ccint=''
> ccmin=''
> ccmax=''
> string=''
> space=' '
> n=2
> while(n<9)
> idx=subwrd(args,n)
> opt=subwrd(args,n+1)
> if(idx='');break;endif
> if(idx='-cint');ccint=opt;endif
> if(idx='-cmin');ccmin=opt;endif
> if(idx='-cmax');ccmax=opt;endif
> if(idx='-string');string=opt;endif
> n=n+2
> endwhile
> 'c'
> 'set gxout shaded'
> if(ccint!=''); 'set cint 'ccint;endif
> if(ccmin!=''); 'set cmin 'ccmin;endif
> if(ccmax!=''); 'set cmax 'ccmax;endif
> if(ccmin!=''); if(ccmax!=''); 'set rbrange 'ccmin ' 'ccmax;  
> endif;endif
> *CBB 3/22/11 set the levels
> 'make_clevs ' cmin cmax cint
> 'd 'variable
> *Add date and user-input string
> 'q time'
> say result
> cctime=subwrd(result,3)
> coln=substr(cctime,3,1)
> if coln = ':'
> dmy   =substr(cctime,7,9)
> else
> dmy   =substr(cctime,1,12)
> day   =substr(cctime,1,3)
> my   =substr(cctime,4,9)
> *dmy   =substr(cctime,4,9)  *cbb changed
> endif
> * 'draw title 'dmy space string
>  'draw title 'day space my space string
> 'q shades'
> 'cbar2'
> ****END***********
> ***ani.gs************
> * Display animation
> *     ga> run ani variable [ -I slowness (default=10) ]
> *                            [ -cint, -ci  contour interval ]
> *                            [ -cmin, -mn  minimum contour level ]
> *                            [ -cmax, -mx  maximum contour level ]
> *   ex. ga> run ani t-t.2 -ci 0.1 -mn -0.5 -I 5 -cmax 0.3
> *          >>>> plot (t-t.2) with slowness=5, contour_interval=0.1
> *               minimum contour level=-0.5, maximum contour level=0.3
> *
> *                                                  Nov. 9, 1999  
> Masami Nonaka
> *
> function ani (args)
> variable=subwrd(args,1)
> slow=''
> ccint=''
> ccmin=''
> ccmax=''
> cbar=''
> n=2
> while(n<10000)
> idx=subwrd(args,n)
> opt=subwrd(args,n+1)
> if(idx='');break;endif
> if(idx='-I');slow=opt;endif
> if(idx='-Int');slow=opt;endif
> if(idx='-cint');ccint=opt;endif
> if(idx='-cmin');ccmin=opt;endif
> if(idx='-cmax');ccmax=opt;endif
> if(idx='-ci');ccint=opt;endif
> if(idx='-mn');ccmin=opt;endif
> if(idx='-mx');ccmax=opt;endif
> n=n+2
> endwhile
> defaultslow=10
> if(slow=''); slow=defaultslow;endif
> 'q dims'
>  say result
> aline=sublin(result,5)
> cctime1=subwrd(aline,11)
> cctime2=subwrd(aline,13)
> tmin=substr(cctime1,1,9)
> tmax=substr(cctime2,1,9)
> it=tmin
> 'set dbuff on'
> while (it <=tmax)
>  'set t 'it
> i=0
> while (i <slow)
> if(ccint!=''); 'set cint 'ccint;endif
> if(ccmin!=''); 'set cmin 'ccmin;endif
> if(ccmax!=''); 'set cmax 'ccmax;endif
> if(ccmin!=''); if(ccmax!=''); 'set rbrange 'ccmin ' 'ccmax;  
> endif;endif
> *CBB 3/22/11 setting max min clevs
> 'make_clevs ' cmin cmax cint
>  'display 'variable
>  'run date.gs'
>  'query shades'
> shdinfo = result
> if(subwrd(shdinfo,1)!='None');'run fcbar.gs';endif
> 'swap'
> i=i+1
> endwhile
>  it=it+1
> endwhile
>  'set t ' tmin ' ' tmax
> ****END***********
> On Mar 22, 2011, at 5:23 PM, Goodson,Ron [Edm] wrote:
>> I see in my original note I mislead you .. when I said I do my  
>> make_clevs.gs before cbar.  As was noted by Jeffrey . the settings  
>> of clevs, ccols (all that stuff) must happen before the display of  
>> the variable.  So swap those two lines of "display" and "make_clevs".
>> The other thing I usually do right at the start of my programs (and  
>> only has to be done once .. unlike settings clevs, ccols which must  
>> be done before each display)  is to setup some custom colours  
>> through "set rgb" (one entrie per colour) and rbcols (to set the  
>> order of the colours).   You don't need to do this if you are using  
>> the GrADS standard scheme of 16 colours.
>> ron
>> From: gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org [mailto:gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org 
>> ] On Behalf Of Clay Blankenship
>> Sent: March 22, 2011 4:05 PM
>> To: GrADS Users Forum
>> Subject: Re: [gradsusr] Setting color bar for animation
>> OK, that make_clevs works for me when I do a simple 'd' on my  
>> variable, but when I try to use a little fancier script (not even  
>> an animation, just trying to pass the range on the command line), I  
>> lose the min and max values.
>> If I do:
>> c
>> make_clevs 0 2 0.2
>> d soilwat5
>> cbar
>> I get a colorbar from 0 to 2 in steps of .2, even though the  
>> variable range is 0 to 1 (so far, so good).
>> If I do:
>> dd soilwat5 -cmin 0 -cmax 2 -cint 0.2
>> I get a colorbar from 0 to 1 in steps of 0.2.  The colors are the  
>> same for the different ranges, it just doesn't show the ones above  
>> 1.  Is this because clevs are set and ccols are not?  I was hoping  
>> ccols would get set automatically like it does when you don't  
>> specify levels.
>> This happens whether or not I use the make_clevs line in the  
>> following script.
>> BTW, this seems really basic, but I can't figure out how to see the  
>> current values of ccols and clevs.
>> cbar is getting its ccols and clevs from 'q shades', but it  
>> doesn't  react to ccols and clevs until a plot has been made.
>> Script follows.
>> Thanks for the help,
>> Clay
> -- 
> Clay Blankenship                 * USRA Research Scientist
> clay.b.blankenship at nasa.gov      * 256-961-7638
> 320 Sparkman Drive               * Huntsville, AL 35805 USA
> National Space Science and Technology Center at NASA-MSFC/UAH
> _______________________________________________
> gradsusr mailing list
> gradsusr at gradsusr.org
> http://gradsusr.org/mailman/listinfo/gradsusr
> -- 
> Jeff Duda
> Iowa State University
> Meteorology Graduate Student
> 3134 Agronomy Hall
> www.meteor.iastate.edu/~jdduda
> <ATT00001.txt>

Clay Blankenship                 * USRA Research Scientist
clay.b.blankenship at nasa.gov      * 256-961-7638
320 Sparkman Drive               * Huntsville, AL 35805 USA
National Space Science and Technology Center at NASA-MSFC/UAH

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