[gradsusr] Setting color bar for animation

Jeffrey Duda jdduda at iastate.edu
Tue Mar 22 14:44:14 EDT 2011

Having the color contours remain the same is as simple as using the 'set
clevs ...' and 'set ccols ...' lines before you display each time slice of
data.  If that doesn't make sense, show me your code for ani.gs.

Jeff Duda

On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 1:39 PM, Clay Blankenship <
clay.b.blankenship at nasa.gov> wrote:

> Can somebody show me an example animation script that will set the color
> bar to a consistent range and set of colors? The ones I have, like ani.gs,
> will change how much of the color bar they plot from frame to frame, even if
> you specify a range.
> Thanks,
> Clay
> --
> Clay Blankenship                 * USRA Research Scientist
> clay.b.blankenship at nasa.gov      * 256-961-7638
> 320 Sparkman Drive               * Huntsville, AL 35805 USA
> National Space Science and Technology Center at NASA-MSFC/UAH
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Jeff Duda
Iowa State University
Meteorology Graduate Student
3134 Agronomy Hall
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