[gradsusr] Sum daily values for precipitation

Rafanoharana Serge Claudio rafanoharana at gmail.com
Tue Jun 21 14:19:24 EDT 2011

Dear Gabriel,

In order to obtain the total precipitation within a month, you can just
'define acc=sum(pcp, t=1, t=31)'.
If I really understand what you want is that you would like to display both
daily and accumulation within one graphic. If so, it's a little bit tricky
but what I can suggest is that if you want to display both within one
graphic, try to set gxout linefill since linefill can deal with 2 variables,
then go back to set gxout line so it will be something like:

'sdfopen file.nc'
'set lat -23'
'set lon -45'
'set t 1 31'
'define acc=sum(pcp, t=1, t=31)'
'set gxout linefill'
'set lfcols 0 0'    (----> this is black color and you can refer to
'd pcp;acc'         (up til here, you have only the x and y value, without
the graphs, so you need to plot the graph)
'set gxout line'
'set ccolor 3'
'd pcp'
'set ccolor 5'
'd acc'

Hope this can help,



2011/6/21 gabriel gavinho <gavinho.gabriel at gmail.com>

> Dear Serge,
> I belive I did not make myself clear about the graphic I need.
> suppose I select a single point, let's say lat -23 lon -45, and set the
> time to a month period, I will have the values of precipitation for each day
> as it is in any meteogram.
> My problem is that I need to continually sum the daily valeus so I can
> achive the total precipitation within a month but in a way I can present an
> increasing line in over the daily values.
> I hope I could make it clear and I really appreciate your help
> Regars,
> Gabriel Gavinho
> Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
> 2011/6/21 Rafanoharana Serge Claudio <rafanoharana at gmail.com>
>> Dear Gabriel,
>> What do you mean by "in the same graphic"? because I think it will depends
>> on that. For your precipitation data, if you set your gxout to shaded, I
>> think you won't see both values, but if you set your gxout, for example to
>> contour, you'll be able to see both.
>> Let's say your precipitaion variable is "pcp". It will be something like:
>> 'sdfopen file.nc'
>> 'set gxout contour'
>> 'define acc=sum(pcp, t=1, t=31)'
>> 'd pcp'
>> 'd acc'
>> So if you need for the day 17, just set t to 17 by adding 'set t 17' right
>> after 'sdfopen...'
>> In addition, you can write your accumulation variable to your file using
>> 'set sdfwrite file.nc' followed by 'sdfwrite acc'.
>> Maybe the following will give you more info.
>> I quote from Bob Kuligowski:
>> "GrADS can produce numerous types of file displays using gridded data
>> using set gxout:
>> bar    (bar chart)
>> line    (line graph)
>> barb    (wind barbs)
>> linefill (color fill between two lines)
>> contour    (contour plot)
>> scatter    (scatter plot)
>> errbar    (error bars)
>> shaded    (shaded contour plot)
>> grfill    (shaded grid boxes)
>> stream    (wind streamlines)
>> fgrid    (grid boxes shaded for specified values)
>> vector    (wind vector arrows)
>> grid    (grid boxes with printed values)"
>> Hope it can help,
>> Regards,
>> Serge
>> 2011/6/21 gabriel gavinho <gavinho.gabriel at gmail.com>
>>> Dear Users
>>> I am having a hard time trying to sum the values for daily precipitation
>>> during a month, in order put together both daily values and the accumulative
>>> sum in the same graphic
>>> Can you help me?
>>> regards!
>>> Gabriel Gavinho
>>> Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
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>> Serge
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