[gradsusr] gradsusr Digest, Vol 16, Issue 11

Hyacinth Nnamchi hyacinth.1 at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 14 07:16:00 EDT 2011

Dear Spandana,
I suppose you are using GrADS 2.0+. In that case I suggest that you can use CDO (https://code.zmaw.de/projects/cdo) to make your data readable in GrADS. 
The CDO command is: "setcalendar, option inputfile.nc outputfile.nc'' . U will see the calendar options in the user manual. Your data appears to be CMIP output, if so "setcalendar, standard inputfile.nc outputfile.nc'' should produce an output of the same data readable by GrADS 2.0+.

2. Alternatively, the older version of GrADS, say 1.9 should read ur data as it is. You may wish to instal and use it.

> Message: 5
> Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 12:53:37 -0400
> From: "Tummuri, Spandana" <tummuris at cdm.com>
> Subject: [gradsusr] SDF Error: 365 day calendars are no longer
> 	supported by	sdfopen.
> To: "gradsusr at gradsusr.org" <gradsusr at gradsusr.org>
> Message-ID:
> 	<6906BEEB113AEB48B9910246026EA9BED1750F2785 at CAMEXCMS3.cdminc.internal.cdm.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Hello Everyone,
> I was wondering if one of you would be able to tell me how you addressed this issue.
> I am not very good at GRADS programming.  I only needed to use it to open a ".nc" file and get some values averaged over a period of time.  So I typically use the following three commands in grads.
> Sdfopen "filename.nc"
> Run monmask.gs N           ...................(N = month)
> d ave(aave(pr*mmask, lon=lon1, lon = lon2, lat = lat1, lat = lat2),t=time1,t=time2)
> This worked for a few files but when I tried to use it on some others, I get the following error
> ga-> sdfopen pr_A1.nc
> Scanning self-describing file:  pr_A1.nc
> SDF Error: 365 day calendars are no longer supported by sdfopen.
>   To open this file with GrADS, use a descriptor file with
>   a complete TDEF entry and OPTIONS 365_day_calendar.
>   Documentation is at http://iges.org/grads/gadoc/SDFdescriptorfile.html
> When I compared NCDUMP for the files for which "sdfopen" worked with the those for which "sdfopen" did not work, I noticed that the calendar has to be gregarian for sdfopen to work.
> Can you tell me how I can open files that have "noleap" calendars and work around the 365_day_calendar issue?
> I greatly appreciated your help in this matter.
> Thank you.
> Spandana

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