[gradsusr] how to display collected data when T varies

Liping Liu liping_liuwang at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 29 19:29:54 EDT 2011

Hi All,
Have a set of WRF output data, post processed into GRADS data (de.ctl and de.dat). The data is for couple of days with time increment 3hrs. 
Want to plot out the average OLR along a slant line (cross section, say from 40E 10N to 70E 25N) with 10 degrees in latitude. We can do this easily if the averaging is along a straight line (e.g. ave(olr,lat=5,lat=15) for lon 40 70). 
Tried "collect" and "gr2stn". "collect" works for data varying in Z or T; I can collect the averaged values of OLR with varying T. However, "gr2stn" works only for varying Z, not T. 
Question: How do I display the collected data with varying T? It seems that I can't use "gr2stn". 
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