[gradsusr] problem: Cannot contour grid - all undefined values

James T. Potemra jimp at hawaii.edu
Wed Jul 27 14:11:46 EDT 2011


Another thing to check is your file names.  In the ctl file you specify:
*which means when/if you "set t 1", it will look for a file called:

*If you do not have such a file, you'll get all undefined values.  I suspect
that the first part of the file probably changes as well?  Or maybe you
have the data files in a subdirectory?


Estefanía Jiménez wrote:
> Hi Clark! Thanks for aswering. I did what you told me and I got this:
> *ga> set t 1 50*
> *Time values set: 1960:1:1:0 1960:1:13:6 *
> *ga> d temp*
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
> *Press enter to continue::::: *
> *ga> *
> 2011/7/27 Clark Pennelly <pennelly at ualberta.ca 
> <mailto:pennelly at ualberta.ca>>
>     You may just need to set your time interval to something
>     different. Try 
>     set t 1 50
>     in grads command line
>     to see the temperature in kelvin for the first 50 timesteps. You
>     should see contour plots pop up really quickly, starting from the
>     first timestep and stop at the 50th timestep for your domain. I
>     hope that works.
>     Clark
>     On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 8:42 AM, Estefanía Jiménez
>     <estefaniajimenez.r at gmail.com
>     <mailto:estefaniajimenez.r at gmail.com>> wrote:
>         Hi guys, please help! I am new at GraDS and I have this
>         problem wich I bet is very silly. I send you the file and the
>         prompt text to see if anyone can help me. 
>         *ccwrfuser at ubuntu:~/Desktop$ gradsc*
>         *Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) Version 1.9b4*
>         *Copyright (c) 1988-2005 by Brian Doty and IGES *
>         *Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)*
>         *Institute for Global Environment and Society (IGES)*
>         *GrADS comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY*
>         *See file COPYRIGHT for more information*
>         *
>         *
>         *Config: v1.9b4 32-bit little-endian lats*
>         *
>         *
>         *Issue 'q config' command for more information.*
>         *
>         *
>         *Landscape mode? (no for portrait):  *
>         *Error opening user function definition table*
>         *  File name is: /home/ccwrfuser/grads30d/udf*
>         *GX Package Initialization: Size = 11 8.5 *
>         *ga> open Eta_exp110km1960010100.ctl*
>         *Scanning description file:  Eta_exp110km1960010100.ctl*
>         *Data file Eta_exp110km1960010100+%y4%m2%d2%h2.bin is open as
>         file 1*
>         *LON set to -89 -78.1 *
>         *LAT set to 7 11.9 *
>         *LEV set to 1000 1000 *
>         *Time values set: 1960:1:1:0 1960:1:1:0 *
>         *ga> d temp*
>         *Cannot contour grid - all undefined values *
>         *ga>*
>         -- 
>         Thank You so much!
>         /Estefanía Jiménez R./
>         //Meteoróloga
>         Departamento de Climatología e Investigaciones Aplicadas
>         Instituto Meteorológico Nacional
>         MINAET
>         Tel: +506 2222 5616 ext 136 <tel:%2B506%202222%205616%20ext%20136>
>         _______________________________________________
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>         gradsusr at gradsusr.org <mailto:gradsusr at gradsusr.org>
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>     gradsusr mailing list
>     gradsusr at gradsusr.org <mailto:gradsusr at gradsusr.org>
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> -- 
> /Estefanía Jiménez R./
> //Meteoróloga
> Departamento de Climatología e Investigaciones Aplicadas
> Instituto Meteorológico Nacional
> Tel: +506 2222 5616 ext 136
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